Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Questions About Mixing Creatine, Arginine, and Caffeine

The other day I was discussing pre-workouts and somebody asked how I felt about the use of caffeine in them. Just about every pre-workout in the market has at least some caffeine, so it must be a great idea right?

Yes and no.

Caffeine is a great stimulant. It helps with metabolism and appetite control. It is also something most people are used to and understand. It is also a vaso-constrictor and a diuretic. As such, it raises blood pressure, which is a bad idea when you exercise, FYI.

One of the stated functions of a pre-workout is providing a muscle pump. This is the feeling you have when you have been lifting and your muscles feel full and stronger. The funny thing is, if you want a muscle pump you kinda need water. It is not air filling those muscles cells after all. So again, caffeine? It actually works counter to this purpose as well. Especially when you remember that creatine, an almost ubiquitous ingredient, wants to put water into muscle cells!

Then there is arginine. Workhorse of the pre-workouts. The only supplement that I feel is critical to a pre-workout drink. It supports better blood flow, which in turn means better nutrient delivery and waste removal during the workout, which allows for a less impeded workout that will send a loader signal to the body to build muscle. Which, unless you have ISSUES, is the entire point of lifting that ridiculous weight in the first place. Caffeine = vaso-constrictor. UMM, what the hell would you want that anywhere near your workout?

So, why is it there? The market demands it! If a pre-workout does not make you all but vibrate from the stimulants it will not sell. Like many other pastimes, working out has its serious enthusiasts, its duffers (VG), and its posers. Most of those are the ones you see grunting and looking at themselves in the mirrors. The serious poser is usually shaped like the letter V, because they NEVER work any muscle group lower than their rib cages. They buy and use the majority of the pre-workouts in the market and the need to feel the energy.

The solution is for the manufacturers to add enough arginine and creatine to ensure the can overcome the negative sides of the caffeine. They also need to instruct the user to mix it with adequate amounts of water. NOPE. The amount of arginine and creatine needed would cut into profits. And, let's face it, this shit tastes bad, so they tell you to use enough water to get it down the throat.


Pre-workouts are fun. I, as a duffer, use them and frequently report my opinions on them. But they are not key to a good workout. The do not produce muscle gains. You Do! Remember, you do not, will not, can not ever build any muscle in the gym. You only tell your body you need more muscle. If you are choosing a Pre-workout keep in mind that you will need to supplement the supplement to keep the message to your body loud.


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