Thursday, October 20, 2011

100% of People Who Say They Take Supplements Die

Eventually anyhow.

A recent study cited in the mainstream media, but never linked too, gave rise to headlines like:

Can Supplements Increase a Woman’s Risk of Dying?

Yep, clearly these dangerous supplements must be stopped! After all they are not regulated by the FDA, like Oxycodone, Vioxx, and Phen-fen. I feel much safer just knowing they are guarding us from the evil billion dollar supplement industry. I can see them now, twisting their handlebar mustaches, the bastards! I know the hundred billion dollar pharmaceutical industry is happier now.

As reported in several articles on the web the people in this study were surveyed about their supplement use and health. That sounds like good solid science to me. Yep walk through any mall stopping people “do you take vitamins?” Yes, hmmmm, and how do you feel? Hmmm, got a cold must be that supplements are bad for you.

I see no problem here. Clearly direct logic and solid critical thinking.


How is this even getting “Dog bites Man” respect from the media?

FYI, it is estimated that over 700,000deaths per year are the result of conventional medicine.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Goals Are For Beating

Wow, guess it has been a while since I wrote anything. Sorry. I got focused on a goal that I set a year ago. I was watching some friends run in a marathon race and decided to try it myself. Last weekend the race had one more runner. The event that started me running was a goal that I was very focused on finishing. Long story short, I finished the 13.1 mile half marathon in a personal best time and a whole lot of pain. More on that later.

Looking back over the year I realized that setting that goal changed my attitude towards working out and getting healthy. I went from “trying to get fit and stay healthy” in the short term and got the final results I had been trying to achieve for a long time before.

I often tell people at the beginning of a body/life changing process to pick an event they want to do. Make it a challenge to focus their training. I have helped many people change their bodies and health over the years, but that seems to be the key to success. A goal needs to be specific and difficult, but still obtainable. Saying “ I am going to “run a full marathon” when the farthest you have jogged is to the fridge during a commercial is a sure way to become frustrated with yourself. Making your goal “to get fit and healthy” is so vague that you have no way to know that being out of breath after your fridge dash is bad.

Be honest with yourself about where your are at when you set your goal. Pick something you have always thought would be rewarding to do. Make it only achievable when the amount of training you can push yourself to give. Plan and execute! Then go beat the stuffing out of that goal!

Along the way you may find yourself where you originally wanted to be.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Advice Needs to be Useful

Having just become a runner, I am always looking for advice to help me out. When I saw “Tips for Half Marathon and Marathon Recovery” I became very interested. Regretfully the advice given is less than rudimentary. If this was advice for electrical wiring it would go like this:

Buy Wire
Attach one end to the “screwy” thingy on the the outlet thingy
Attach the other end to the main power supply
Use outlet

FYI: That is not how you wire ANYTHING

First piece of advice given is use ice to control inflammation. Sure. Yep. Cold does help with inflammation. Of course any 10 year-old knows that, but it is advice. Inflammation is a complex response to stress in the body. Controlling it with ice is the first step. I suggest you use something to support your body's response to stress DAILY. If your body is prepared to handle the inflammation when it arises, then it will be able to control it and let the beneficial aspects work.

Eat healthy. Well you just spent at least 3000 calories. Eat healthy. Some details may be missing. According to the FDA the Baconator and a Soda from Wendy's is a perfectly acceptable meal. Before you run consume a meal of slow digesting proteins and carbs mixed with some faster carbs. Oatmeal with brown sugar and a protein shake are just about perfect here. Add a banana at the start of the race for a burst of energy and electrolytes. During a long run be sure to get plenty of fast carbs and water. Most races have hydration stations with sports drinks along the way. Use them. You are burning more calories than you will consume, so do not worry about it. I carry a drink with me consisting of BCAA, glutamine, carbs, electrolytes, and arginine. I developed it while cycling and have fine-tuned it over the years. By using this mix, I have drastically reduced my recovery time.

Next is get plenty of sleep. Wow! Sleep! I hear it is overrated. The body recovers daily during sleep. It is key for hormone production, muscle repair, and preparing for the next day. Nope, never would have thought of that!

The last piece of advice given is to get plenty of rest. Hey! Wait a minute! That sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before. Hmmmm. Oh ya, it is in the paragraph I just finished reading.

While not wrong advice, this was useless. Useless advice can cause more problems than no advice! Don't believe me, try my way to wire a house.

Wait – don't try that!