Friday, May 27, 2011

The Beat Goes On

Regulating high blood pressure has become a major health focus for many of us. It is a multi-billion dollar industry in this country alone. A recent study indicates that one in five people between the ages of 24 and 32 may have high blood pressure and not be aware of it. Many experts believe the risk of developing high blood pressure in adults over 55 above 90 percent. High BP can cause many health issues including damage to your eyes, heart, brain, and kidneys. It is know wonder that I talk to people everyday that are looking for a safe way to maintain their blood pressure in a healthy range.

One of the first things that I suggest they try is the amino acid L-arginine. This amino has long been used by sports enthusiasts as a vaso-dilator. Part of the nitric oxide cycle in the body, L-arginine works best with two other aminos - L-ornithine and L-citrulline - to create N.O. in the blood, which can reduce BP by creating more space in the blood vessels.

Complementary to the L-arginine, adding pomegranate extract provides benefits on multiple fronts. Pomegranate extracts work as an antioxidant, protecting the walls of the blood vessels, improving the activity of nitric oxide synthase. Pomegranate also increases the level of paraoxonases (PONs), which are major component of HDL. Pomegranate extracts also act as an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, which helps to lower blood pressure. Lastly, pomegranate is a very potent antioxident for the entire body, providing many protective health benefits.

A combination of supplements to support healthy blood pressure levels is usually the best course. Not everything works with everybody, so some experimentation with your supplements may be necessary. Look for the supplement plan that matches your personal needs and fits into your lifestyle.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What is the Big Deal With Antioxidants

We hear about antioxidants all the time. They are referred to in news articles, blogs, and so often used in marketing products many of us have become skeptical of their value nutritionally. Most of us even know and understand that they are something that prevents damage from free radicals. But, few of us ever really think about how important and versatile that function can be.

Free radicals are molecules that have an extra oxygen attached to them, making them negatively charged. Nature does not like this, so that extra oxygen molecule will attach to other molecule, changing its state and starting the process over again in a chain reaction. That is the chemical explanation for the process, most of us know it as “rust” and we see it every day. When our cars rust, they are being oxidized and become much weaker, function poorly, if at all, and break easily. The “rust proofing” industry has grown up to protect our investment in our cars.

Our bodies are rusting everyday and we normally do very little about it. In truth, if you are eating a balanced diet with a lot of different, fresh fruits and vegetables, you may not need to add more general purpose antioxidants. Most of the people I know, including myself, find it very difficult to eat just such a diet. This creates a gap in our nutrition that can cause many different illnesses, inflammation, pain, and suffering.

Antioxidants are not part of an anti-aging program. The only way to stop aging is permanent and not recommended. It is part of a healthy aging program. I like to say I am not going to live forever, but I am going live while am alive.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Multiple Choice

People ask me what supplements they should take to support a specific health concern daily. I make a few suggestions and then ask: “What multi are you taking?” I have seen more eye-rolling in a week than I get from talking to my teenager! It is obvious that the person I am talking with does not see any value in taking a daily multi-vitamin/multi-mineral. It is the most underrated supplement I suggest.

Why? The sole purpose of a multi is to fill in the nutritional gaps created by our diet. It does not matter how “perfect” you try to eat, your diet will be lacking due to things not in your control. Things like soil depletion and conventional fertilizers have lowered the nutritional value of our vegetables. Livestock being raise in pens and fed a single food diet have an impact on our meats and dairy. I try to eat a balanced diet, but I know that I am not ever going to be “perfect”.

So, if your diet is not complete, and you're not taking a multi to ensure your body is getting everything it needs daily, it stands to reason that you're going to have health issues. No machine operates without proper fuel. A multi is your safety net, making sure your basics are under control.

When you are trying to select a multi for yourself, try to pick one that best describes who you are. Take a men's or women's multi as a basic suggestion. Pick one designed for diabetics if you have sugar control problems. Over a certain age? That will have an impact on your needs.

Next I try select a multi that is as “close to the vine” as possible, meaning more natural or whole food based. Vitamins and minerals are not by themselves in nature, and the body needs that things they are bound to as well. Many times those flavonoids will help the vitamin's functions in the body.

I also check to make sure the multi is supplying me the correct amounts of any specific nutrient. It does no good to take a multi if the vitamins, minerals, or other supplements in it are not an effective dose. Often this means that my multi is not going to be a “one a day”. I believe the inconvenience is worth it in the long run. After all, a name in the label is not going to do me any good.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Passing the Test

Fitness enthusiasts often come to me looking for a quick way to bulk up muscle by increasing their testosterone levels. By increasing their bodies testosterone levels, they hope to be able to more easily gain muscle mass and strength. They spend hours in the gym, it would be kinda nice if they had something to show for the effort.

Before you decide to use a testosterone or test booster, it is critically important to have your fundamental fitness supplement plan in practice. Why spend the money on a new supplement if you are not covering the basics first? Why try to build a house on quicksand?

You also will need to make your selection with an eye to your own natural testosterone levels. Anyone in their early twenties need not apply. Your natural test levels are high enough that you will need to take a very strong test booster or pro-hormone to achieve any results. Most of the supplements on the market will not support your goal of building muscle, but only give you a short term, in the gym, effect. It would be stomping on the gas in a car with a governor on the engine. After 55 mph, it doesn't matter how much gas you are giving it.

That said, if you are looking for a supplement plan to raise your testosterone levels, I suggest the following:

Tribulus Testerris: a natural testosterone booster
ZMA: supports the production of testosterone in the body
D-Aspartic Acid: an amino acid that has been show to increase testosterone levels
Saw Palmetto or Beta Sitosterol to block DHT

These give you a great place to start in your testosterone boosting efforts. Remember that to gain muscle you will also need to take in more calories. You cannot build a house without lumber.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lunch at the Bar

When I was much younger, I worked in a place that was so busy that I was not able to physically consume enough calories to maintain my body's exertion. By the end of the season, my body was wrecked, and serious illnesses were common among my peers. In an effort to solve this dilemma, I tried to use protein bars as a supplemental calorie source. The taste was so enjoyable, I soon referred to them as poo bars.

That was then. Now the selection and palatability of the bars available today is much improved. Nutrition bars come in several styles, including high protein, energy, fiber, and meal replacement. The taste of these can be as good as or better than candy bars available at the grocery. Nutritionally, they can do anything from being a light snack to a full and filling meal.

Quick and easy, compared to a fast food sandwich or burger they come out way ahead. Anyone interested in body shaping, or just eating a healthier meal on the road, should explore the selection available at your local retailer. You may have to try a few to find what you like, but your tastes will be covered. Ask the people working there for their opinions, chances are they have eaten them for a quick lunch and know which are good and which still taste like chocolate covered sawdust.