Sunday, August 28, 2011

Now That They Are Back in School

They spent all summer without so much as a sniffle, then go back to school and a few weeks later they have this year's version of the plague. Kids seem to be the catalyst for flu season in my part of the world. More people tell me about how they got sick, their spouse got sick, the whole house got sick a month or so after the school season starts up again. Why are the schools such breeding ground for colds?

Begin by looking at the situation we created in the summer. Kids have the worst diets and spend all of their time being as lazy as they can get away with. (Maybe not just kids) This is a great recipe for an impaired immune system. They do not suffer from anything largely because they are not exposed to anything. Kids only hang out with a few different people for most of their summer time off.

Then, just when the hayfever season starts to ramp up again, we ship them off to school. My kids have never had a class smaller than 25 students in their lifetime, and usually larger. Each class had a generous mingling of different students and teachers, plus time in the halls with several hundred other people. Add to the mix no central HVAC, so no real air circulation. It really is a wonder that all we get from this environment is a “cold”! Exposing people with even slightly impaired immune systems to that breeding ground is ridiculous, but we do and then accuse them of faking to get out of school.

Kids must go to school, if for no other reason than to give moms a break. The environment in the schools is not going to change. It would be wise for us to shore up the defenses our bodies have to ward off as much as possible. I suggest you keep it as simple as possible, multivitamin and extra vitamin C daily. With a good diet this is usually enough to fend off most of the illness in the schools. At the first sign of a cold, however, pull out all the stops! I personally swear by liquid oil of oregano, but you are not very likely to get a kid to take it. It really does burn. For most kids, I would suggest Wellness Formula from Source Naturals. It takes an “everything plus the kitchen sink” approach to immune support. As always follow the dosing instructions for each.

I would also suggest that when the first little bout of illness comes around everyone in the house start taking either supplement. As the expression goes: The best defense is a good offense.

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