Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From a Fishy Suggestion

I am often asked if there is a difference between fish or flax to supplement omega fatty acids. I try to understand what the querant is trying learn before answering, so I translate this in my head to: Oh, great and all knowing Vita Guru, please guide me in my quest for knowledge, I know I need to take an omega 3 supplement, but I don't like the fishy taste.

(I paraphrase in my head.)

Like everything else, the answer lies in the details. Are you allergic to fish? Is gelatin off limits for dietary reasons? Are you Vegan or Vegetarian? What kind of foods do you eat most often? And those are the simple questions. The EFA supplement you select should take all of your needs into consideration. You will need to weigh those needs versus the benefits the different sources of EFA can provide to make a final decision.

Based on a suggestion of a very dear friend, over the next few entries I will try to compare the various sources essential fatty acids. I hope to provide you with the “gooey” details of why EFA “O” is better for you than EFA “R”. So, when reading the upcoming posts, if you have a specific question you can post it or click the Ask the Vita Guru link at the top of the page and I will try to address it as soon as I can.

Keep in mind the disclaimer on the side. I am a knowledgeable lay person, so before you decide to take any supplement, it is a good idea to discuss it with your doctor.


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