Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Why You Should Choose That EFA – Part 2 AKA – Chia: Not Just for Pets Any More

New to the EFA source family is chia seed. Yes, yes, yes, for god's sake yes it is the same stuff that is synonymous with tacky gift exchange presents. Sorry, I get asked that a lot. Chia came into the supplement industry in a big way about 3 years ago, and has found itself a good little niche to hole up in.

Chia is a good source of fiber, protein, omega 3, and omega 6. That is pretty cool, right? Getting protein, good fats, and fiber in a whole food source that you can add to a number of different recipes is always a good thing. But wait, there's more! What if I told you that just one ounce, that's right, 1 ounce, also contains about 20 percent of the average adults calcium?

Almost 20% of my calcium you say? Isn't that better than milk!?!

Yes, yes it is. Milk has roughly 38 mg of calcium per ounce compared to 180 in chia! But wait, we are not through yet! Chia is also a whole food source of phosphorus and manganese, which are important for nerve function and bone support. That's right folks, you get all that in just one ounce a day!

And if that's not enough for you, you can eat it raw! Whole or ground, just sprinkle it onto a salad or cereal. You can also put it into a smoothie to enhance the nutritious goodness of your favorite drink. Keeping it raw prevents the oils to oxidize in the cooking process and start to go rancid.

Act Now!

All that and no terracotta Scooby head needed!

Keep in mind that the body still has to convert the omega 3, alpha linolenic acid, into EPA and DHA and that process is not efficient. The fiber that is in chia is mostly soluble and can thicken the smoothie or soup you add it to. Chia is a great choice to get your EFA's from a whole food source, as it will help the body get many other things it needs.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Why You Should Choose That EFA – Part 1

So, over the last two entries I have started to explain about the differences and similarities between the various EFA supplements in the market. Each has a variety of uses where it is the better choice than the next. Over the next few entries, I am going to give a primer on each of the major EFA supplements and the why this, not that for each.

First up is borage oil. Borage oil, or borage seed oil, is a plant base omega 6 source for EFAs, primarily used as a way to get gamma linolenic acid. GLA supports your skin and helps support your body's fight with things like eczema. GLA supports the immune system by supplying a prostaglandin precursor. It also inhibits the pro-inflamatory leutokines from other omega 6 fats, thus supporting your body's anti-inflamatory efforts.

Recently, the doctor now famous on TV, oh you know – the Wizard of ___, promoted GLA as way to control body fat. I did not see that show so I don't know, and really don't care, how he said it does that. EFAs all support a healthy body fat level. In this case, GLA can support even blood sugar levels which control cravings. As far as weight management goes, it will always come down to eat less and do more.

From the Vita-guru's point of view, GLA is a limited consumer supplement. If you wanted support for your skin it is the first suggested. Especially if you have joint issues that are minorly inconvenient. If you are vegan/vegetarian and not that picky about your diet, GLA can help balance out your pro-inflammatory omega-6's. Many doctors believe that the inflammation is one of the major causes of illness and disease today.

One up, one down. Remember that while EFAs are generally considered safe, they can have some side effects, so as always discuss your supps with your doctor and make them a partner in the decisions you make about your health.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

How to Choose the Correct EFA Supplement – Part 2

Once you understand that your needs and dietary restrictions are very important to which supplement you select, the rest is easy. The best supplement is the one that matches "you" the most. Now you just need to pick the form the supplement will take.

If you know you won't take the pills per day to achieve your specific needs, then think about liquid EFA's. One serving of most liquids, usually a tablespoon or less, can meet the needs of most of us. If not, there is usually a more concentrated liquid out there for you.

Liquids are also a great option if you are trying to avoid gelatin. Gelatin is the source for most capsules and soft gels. It can come from bovine, porcine, vegetable, or fish sources. The vegetable or fish sources are usually listed in the ingredients to let consumers know it is safe for them to take.

Worried about the taste? It may surprise you to know that manufacturers are very good at eliminating or masking the oil's flavor with one of their own. It surprised me! You can also put the supplement into a drink or smoothie to get it down.

Soft gels are the option for those who do not want to do liquids. The only difference is how many you have to take and how often. Look at the supplemental facts label to find out how much of the actual EFA is in each soft gel and do the math for yourself. Taking your EFA at different times of the day can provide you with some advantages. Knowing EFA's can support your body's response to inflammation, you may try taking it at night, for example.

New to the market are emulsified oils like the Omega Swirls from Barleen's. They offer a very good taste! No, really, they taste like dessert, and offer superior absorption .

So there you go. Now you understand some of the decisions you need to make when shopping for an EFA. Next time, I will compare the major EFA types and what they support. Boy, that sounds like a page turner!


Thursday, November 29, 2012

How to Choose the Right EFA Supplement - Part 1

So, ya think ya wanna take an EFA, but ya just don't know which one to take, huh? Why?

No, seriously, why? That is the first question you need to ask yourself. It is the first question I am going to ask you when you come to me for help. Having an answer for “why” may not be as easy as it sounds, so think about it.

What are the health goals you are trying to support? EFA's are used by almost every cell and function in the body. This means that they are incredibly valuable in your supplement plan if you get the correct one for you. Knowing what goal/goals you are trying to support will make a huge difference in the correct EFA for you.

For Example: If you are a man who is having issues with joint function, I would suggest looking to fish oil for the omega 3 inflammation support. Does it matter that you are a man? Yes, duh, that is why I gave you the detail, silly. Flax oil can be supportive to your bodies inflammatory response, but studies have shown that when the Omega 6 fatty acids in flax are combined with the omega 6 acids found all to frequently in the SAD (Standard American Diet, no I did not make that up) Arachidonic acid can be formed. This can be good or bad, depending on, you guessed it, your health goals. Arachidonic acid can support muscle growth by making it easier to break down muscle during exercise. So, if you are trying to build muscle that is a sore but quick way to do it. Arachiconic acid has also been linked unfavorably to prostate cancer, so, um, that's bad.

What if you are a woman making the same decision? Well, now flax oil looks a lot better. There is a fiber compound called lignans in some flax oils. Lignans have been shown to support breast health, making the EFA work for you in multiple ways. Why only some flax oils? Many liquid flax oils and most pills have the lignans filtered out. Be sure to read the label.

Are you looking for the cardiovascular benefits of an EFA supplement? Then fish oil is a clear front runner in the selection process. Flax and other plant based omega 3 fatty acids have to be converted in the body to become the critically important EPA and DHA. This conversion process is not efficient so it requires more of the supplement to be taken. But, if you are a vegan/vegetarian, for any reason, fish oil is off the table. Now you have to compare the various plant based omegas such as chia, flax, saba, EPO, or borage. Each of those have pluses and minuses that I will discuss later.

A word about the krill vs fish source for your EFA. Fish.

OK, more words. The studies to date do not support the claims that in humans krill is better absorbed or utilized by the body. That said the EPA and DHA levels in krill are a fraction of amounts in fish. Your choice, but I am not that eager to take more pills than I already do.

Because EFA's do so much, you need to be sure you understand why you want to take that supplement. Consult with you doctor, making them a partner in your wellness decisions.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From a Fishy Suggestion

I am often asked if there is a difference between fish or flax to supplement omega fatty acids. I try to understand what the querant is trying learn before answering, so I translate this in my head to: Oh, great and all knowing Vita Guru, please guide me in my quest for knowledge, I know I need to take an omega 3 supplement, but I don't like the fishy taste.

(I paraphrase in my head.)

Like everything else, the answer lies in the details. Are you allergic to fish? Is gelatin off limits for dietary reasons? Are you Vegan or Vegetarian? What kind of foods do you eat most often? And those are the simple questions. The EFA supplement you select should take all of your needs into consideration. You will need to weigh those needs versus the benefits the different sources of EFA can provide to make a final decision.

Based on a suggestion of a very dear friend, over the next few entries I will try to compare the various sources essential fatty acids. I hope to provide you with the “gooey” details of why EFA “O” is better for you than EFA “R”. So, when reading the upcoming posts, if you have a specific question you can post it or click the Ask the Vita Guru link at the top of the page and I will try to address it as soon as I can.

Keep in mind the disclaimer on the side. I am a knowledgeable lay person, so before you decide to take any supplement, it is a good idea to discuss it with your doctor.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Cool Page I Came Across

I am asked for weight management help more than anything else. I can safely expect to give out diet advice on average 6 times in 9 hours. If you have ever suffered from overplay from a song on the radio, you can imagine how that feels. Actually it is more like explaining things to whiny toddlers, who are not going to listen anyways. AARRGH!

So, to review, my standard short answer for this goes as follows:

Imagine your plate. Cup your left hand, that is the amount of good lean protein per meal. Cup your right hand, there go your carbs. The space between is filled with vegetables and fruit. Remember fresh, bright colors are best. Want a snack? Eat your fill of fruit or vegetables.

This gets the autoresponse “But my traaainer saaays No Fruit because it has Fructose and that is a sugar!” This is one of the reasons that we have laws about physical assault in this country, BELIEVE me. Just how many fat monkeys have you seen? MOTHER OF GOD PEOPLE!

FYI – In case it is not clear, carbs are not evil and do not enter the body with the intent of exponential ass expansion. They are the brain's primary source of energy, which kinda explains things. I once worked with a fitness athlete trying to go pro. When he was cutting for a show, his carb intake was so low, I think someone else tied his shoes for him.

Anyways, back to the page I happened across today  What are your 4 pounds made of?  It lays it out for you simply. Gives you some great examples of nutrient density facts. So there go, you can stop weighing monkeys.


Monday, October 29, 2012

What Do You Know

I want to apologize to my frequent readers. I took a break for focus my training for my first full marathon. This was a big item to check off my “bucket” list and had me a just a little Bat-Shit Crazy. I never ran a step before last year and now I can call myself a marathoner. So, go Me!

My supplement use during my training was focused to allow me to recover quickly. I ran the marathon on Sunday, then worked 9+ hours on my feet on Monday. With out the correct training and supplementation that was not going to be happening.

Now I know you are sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to hear about my supplement plan, so I guess I will share it. While training I used several pre-workout drinks, and found Pre-Surgefrom Athletic Edge to be the best for me. Its stimulants did not over amp my heart and the Suntheanine greatly aided my mental focus allowing me to better control my stride and strike.

During my longer runs, I would hydrate with a combination of BCAA's, glutamine, carbs, and electrolytes. I found that this combination gave me energy and protected muscle from excessive damage. The product I used is Amino Vital's Endurance. I have used this consistently for many years and have always found it to be the best hydration drink mix on the market.

Post long run is back to the basics: protien, creatine, and a banana. About a half hour later, I would take another serving of glutamine. For muscle recovery and to maximize the post workout response from my body, this is the best combo I have found.

On run day I added coconut water at 12 miles and post race. Drinking coconut water is the best way I have found yet to rehydrate the body. The drink at 12 miles made me feel like I had just started the race again. Well that may be an exaggeration, come on I just ran 12 miles. I chose to add those for the extra boost I knew they would give me. A word of advice: Don't try something new on race day. If you have not used a supplement before then you can do without that day!

As for my time? Well, my friends and support group that day came up with the best response: FUCK YOU, I ran 26.2 miles!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Time For Letters to the Editor

Course, that's the problem. It is time to hear from you, readers of the Guru.

What questions do you have?

What supplements have you tried and would like to know more about?

What would you like to hear more about?

Are you a skeptic? If so, what can I do to bolster your confidence in supplementing your diet for health?

Let me know.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Weighing In on Raspberry Ketones

Before Dr. Oz decided that the single best thing that everybody needs to manage their weight was raspberry ketones, nobody had ever gave a damn about them. Why did the wizard that is Oz choose them, you might ask? Lord knows I did. Well, a couple of studies released in 2005 and 2010 indicated it raised lipolysis  and the secretion of adiponectin

Wow, Vita-Guru, that sounds great, you say. Well it might be great, neither study was in humans. They were done in mice given a high fat diet - read here Standard American Diet. While, ultimately, your body is shaped by what you eat and how much you exercise, raspberry ketones could support your goals well. Remembering that you have many variables in your life that prevent you from achieving laboratory results, I would suggest you consider adding a couple of other supplements to your routine if you are trying to better manage your weight.

The first supplement to compliment RK would be L-carnitine. This amino acid like compound shuttles fat for burning throughout the body. Makes sense that with the RK making it easier for your body to break down fat that you would want to get it somewhere to be burned. I would also add Yohimbine. This tree bark extract has be shown to inhibit the receptors on fat cells that prevent them from releasing the stored energy, clearly also very complimentary to RK. Yohimbine can have a stimulating effect so be careful when you first start taking it.

Remember that these supplements are just tools to help you build the body you want. If you buy a hammer and swing it one way you can build a house. Swing it another way and you will tear the house down. If you swing it with your eyes closed you will hit your thumb. At the end of the day, it is still a hammer supplementing your arm to do work. The same applies to RK. Eating right and exercise are still the way you swing that hammer.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Laid Low By Travel

I know this may come as a surprise to you, but I caught one of the various plagues running around now. After a high stress week where my diet was crap, I was lucky enough to spend 6 wonderful hours in an airport waiting for a delayed flight. The airport is particularly busy as it is in a city know for its child oriented tourist attractions. It was a little “Goofy” there.

That, my friends, is a recipe for disaster for your immune system. Stress, poor diet, poor sleep, no activity to speak of, no sun as I was inside from 7:00 am to past 9:00 pm everyday, then exposed to a bazillion noisy plague bombs all happy to be leaving Mouseland. None of those facts alone are very rare or harmful by themselves. It really is the combination of all of them that set me up. Now, ideally your healthy immune system is up to the challenge. But this is really more about playing the odds. This was my seventh trip through Orlando, eventually the odds of rolling craps is against you.

Gosh, oh Vita-Guru, what ever can we do to avoid such a disaster?

I am glad you ask. The first rule, which I broke, is take your Foundation 4 supplements. Yep, multivitamin, omega 3, vitamin D, and probiotic. For numerous bad reasons I chose to not bother with them this time. These are your body's key backups under times of stress. Not taking them was like not using your starting offensive line in football. Ya, the other guys are pros but not your best.

Next, shore up your immune system against the oncoming assault. I like Emergen-C products for that. They are easy to use powders that taste good. They provide a healthy dose of vitamin C plus a complement of B vitamins and electrolyte minerals. This is a nice little gift to immune system that is about to need the extra help.

The third suggestion is for that extra stress you are under. Look to the adaptogens like gingseng, rhodiola rosea, or ashwaganda. All of which help the body deal with stress and maintain healthy energy levels. Under extreme stress? Pull out the big gun, holy basil, which helps with mood as well.

But, Vita-Guru, if you are so smart why didn't you do these things?

You can stop asking questions now. What it comes down to is after 6 years of no issue traveling, I got lazy and let myself go with out prep. Like leaving for work without your phone and wallet. We all do it, but usually when we do we don't get a flat tire on the way.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Shake Things Up

I frequently suggest protein shakes to aid people in meeting their health goals. Having tasted many more protein shakes than most, I can usually suggest some non-offensive mixes to use. The problem is protein tastes bad. It really does not matter what the original source is, it just does. I hear about how bad they can be every day.

Here is the thing: you don't have to just mix it in water and drink it. I am always shocked by people when I suggest mixing vanilla protein with orange juice to make an Dreamsicle shake. Or mixing chocolate protein with coconut milk, it's like drinking a Mounds Bar, but good for you. I can't drink milk, personally, so I often use almond milk to make my shakes.

Or, you could add stuff to the shakes by mixing them in a blender. Peanut butter, chocolate protein, and milk/water, maybe some ice equals a peanut butter cup. Try the same with vanilla protein and it is a fantastic surprise. You could use berries, bananas, and vanilla protein for a great smoothie. Use frozen berries and now it is an icy drink to beat the awful heat this year. Hell, just add banana and you are on your way to a better shake.

Want to use it a meal replacement? Add some ground flax or chia seed for omegas and fiber. Maybe some wheat, barley, or other greens to pack in more nutrients. At the end of the mix, you are still looking at fewer calories than anything you are likely to find at the coffee shop on the way to work.

There are many reasons supplement your diet with protein. As a calorie source that your body TENDS to not store as fat, it provides amino acids used for hundreds of bodily functions. It can help you recover from activity or get ready for the day. It helps your body's nitrogen balance which promotes muscle building and fat loss. Yada Yada Yada. You've heard all that before. If your reason for not using a protein shake in your diet has been taste. Well, give these suggestions a shot.

Chef VG

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In “D” News

The latest in a long line of confusing studies, meta-studies, and other press released articles has come out in favor of Vitamin D. The last spree of info was condemning calcium, if I recall, for bone support. All of this conflicting info brings people to me, looking for my take on what is going on. Mostly, I think, because I tend to be skeptical of anything in the press positive or negative.

The articles are picked up by media outlets to draw interest to their site. Let's face it, they need eyes to get advertising revenue. (hint, hint) I personally believe this is the reason sites are so willing to report meta-studies in the first place. The purpose of a meta-study is to determine where to focus more scientific investigation, not to provide a statement of fact. Meta-studies often show findings that are outside of the accepted community of information. Damned scientists and their need to always want to understand things! The problem comes when the media picks up a study and applies it across the population at large.

So, when I see a news piece like the one above I look at it skeptically to determine why I am seeing it in the first place. Especially this one. Really, vitamin D is good for bones? That is news worthy? Next we will be told that cranberry is good for UTI's. Oh, wait, here is a meta-study for that

What may be kinda cool, is the reminder that vitamin D is a hormone the body produces. One of the things it does involves the production of testosterone in the body. Hmmm. The latest plague attacking society according to the TV advertising I have been abused by is Low T. I wonder if there might be some kinda link between the lack of outdoor activity in the sun, the sunscreen applications that can be measured in pounds, and the this new disaster to humanity. Hmmm.


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Questions About Mixing Creatine, Arginine, and Caffeine

The other day I was discussing pre-workouts and somebody asked how I felt about the use of caffeine in them. Just about every pre-workout in the market has at least some caffeine, so it must be a great idea right?

Yes and no.

Caffeine is a great stimulant. It helps with metabolism and appetite control. It is also something most people are used to and understand. It is also a vaso-constrictor and a diuretic. As such, it raises blood pressure, which is a bad idea when you exercise, FYI.

One of the stated functions of a pre-workout is providing a muscle pump. This is the feeling you have when you have been lifting and your muscles feel full and stronger. The funny thing is, if you want a muscle pump you kinda need water. It is not air filling those muscles cells after all. So again, caffeine? It actually works counter to this purpose as well. Especially when you remember that creatine, an almost ubiquitous ingredient, wants to put water into muscle cells!

Then there is arginine. Workhorse of the pre-workouts. The only supplement that I feel is critical to a pre-workout drink. It supports better blood flow, which in turn means better nutrient delivery and waste removal during the workout, which allows for a less impeded workout that will send a loader signal to the body to build muscle. Which, unless you have ISSUES, is the entire point of lifting that ridiculous weight in the first place. Caffeine = vaso-constrictor. UMM, what the hell would you want that anywhere near your workout?

So, why is it there? The market demands it! If a pre-workout does not make you all but vibrate from the stimulants it will not sell. Like many other pastimes, working out has its serious enthusiasts, its duffers (VG), and its posers. Most of those are the ones you see grunting and looking at themselves in the mirrors. The serious poser is usually shaped like the letter V, because they NEVER work any muscle group lower than their rib cages. They buy and use the majority of the pre-workouts in the market and the need to feel the energy.

The solution is for the manufacturers to add enough arginine and creatine to ensure the can overcome the negative sides of the caffeine. They also need to instruct the user to mix it with adequate amounts of water. NOPE. The amount of arginine and creatine needed would cut into profits. And, let's face it, this shit tastes bad, so they tell you to use enough water to get it down the throat.


Pre-workouts are fun. I, as a duffer, use them and frequently report my opinions on them. But they are not key to a good workout. The do not produce muscle gains. You Do! Remember, you do not, will not, can not ever build any muscle in the gym. You only tell your body you need more muscle. If you are choosing a Pre-workout keep in mind that you will need to supplement the supplement to keep the message to your body loud.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day One, Again

So today I started a new exercise campaign. Again. I started running again, after a brief hiatus. I had to focus on my bike training for a local MS ride. I also help the Fat Bottomed Girl with her training. This was her first real biking in many years so I was excited to help her get going.

Locally it is hot. Of course, this year that means in the continental US. That means getting up early to “beat” the heat. So, at early o'clock, when The Doctor told me “allons-y”, I was somewhat lacking enthusiasm for getting out of bed. Normally coffee would be the number one priority for the morning, but, caffeine is a vaso-constrictor and a diuretic, so that is right out. I also have a ridiculous tolerance to blood in my caffeine steam, so I get little energy from the stuff anyhow.

What to do, what to do. Bet you can't guess what the Vita-guru will suggest.

Right, I have a supplement for that! Today's morning came with a shot of SuperPump Max from Gaspari.  I have the orange flavor and must say it is about as enjoyable as Tang. A good pre-work out drink that focuses on delivering creatine and arginine for your workout. I find that the energy matrix of this pre-workout does not really affect me. To be fair to the supplement, remember my afore stated stimulant tolerance. I have chosen SuperPump for that very reason. If the energy from the pre-workout is to strong it will over-amp my heart and interfere with my run. I added 3 grams of AAKG to the mix and used about 10 oz of water to mix it.

FYI – For those of you who use a pre-workout to provide better vascularity during your workout, why do you only mix it in 4 to 6 oz of water? If you dilate up your blood vessels don't you need something to take up the space? Do you want your body to pull the fluid from you muscles? Food for thought.

On the whole I would say I like effects of SuperPump Max. Anyone looking for a pre-workout that successfully pumps up your muscles is going to like this drink. It is very good for the lifters that it was designed for. My only issue comes post-workout. The creatine still moves though my system rapidly causing a need for the restroom. When Rich brought out this product he assured me that the days of SuperDump were over. UMM not quite. If your workout will go over 1ish hours plan a break in the middle, cause you are gonna take it.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Time to Get Back On the Horse

Hey I'm Back

I know it has been a while since I have regularly posted. It has been an interesting spring. But hey, summer is here. Time to get serious about play!

Over the next weeks I will discuss summer fun and the supplements that will help you get the most out of your summer. Today I just want to thank you all for coming back and reading along. If you have any questions for me just click the “Ask the Vita-Guru” button on the top right and I will get them.

Tune in next time. Same bat-time, same bat-channel.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Failing Grades

Wow, been a while. It has been a tough year here at Vita-guru. One of me had a month long computer problem, then another of me lost a very dear friend suddenly. Combine all that with training and my other employment and team Vita-guru was not very prolific at the prose production.

Yesterday I was “discussing” various multivitamin/multiminerals in the market with a couple of friends out for lunch. One of the ladies was buying her supplements from some never-heard-of-before supplement company. She proudly boasted that they were “pharmaceutical grade”. The implication is superior quality that is rare to find in the industry.

Yep. Sure. Got it. OK then.

Here we go. Pharmaceutical grade is marketing bullcrap. I have found ONE supplement manufacturer that can back that up with a use claim as well. Ajinomoto makes amino acids with the pharma claim, then backs it up with having a pharmaceutical division and being the major supplier of free aminos to the medical industry for their various needs. They do not make multivitamins.

The tightly held secret of supplement companies is that most don't make their product in-house. They have teams of scientists looking at the data and determining what they want their supplement to include. Then they give the new supplement formula to a buyer who prices it out. Next, to some accountant. So, the scientists look at the data and start over. I assume that scientists drink heavily, largely due to the accountants. (maybe lawyers, too)

Eventually, the raw materials are bought and sent to a job shop that probably also encapsulates medicines and pet supplies. There is your pharmaceutical grade production. Big Fuckin' Deal. You want to impress me? Get rid of the “accountant” and let the good stuff out.

All this leads back to the lady and her friend. They came to me because she wanted to see what I was about. Her friend was allergy miserable. I suggested a simple nasal wash and an Olbas Inhaler. I use them and went from being a connoisseur of allergy meds to not having any real problems for 5 years.

Her friend was thrilled. She was trapped by marketing.

One last note. Annual medical checkups are a good thing. DO THEM FOR YOUR FRIENDS.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lesson Learned

Recently, I learned that crossing a pretty but remarkable DUMB puppy and a laptop computer can result in a case of Blogus Interruptus. Very aggravating.

On another note. In the last two days several people have remarked on the use of cinnamon for blood pressure support. That was a new one for me. I new that cinnamon help maintain blood sugar levels by mimicking insulin in the body. No that is not an excuse to eat a dozen snickerdoodles. (Who needs an excuse for that anyhow! Come on people priorities!) It appears that it is that very same activity that is causing the blood pressure support. In a 2006 study in diabetics adding about 1 gram of cinnamon had a positive impact on both BP and glucose levels.
And just briefly, a word about the news out today. If you are reading only the headlines today you will probably dump your EFA supps in the trash. A meta-study released showed no help from cardiovascular disease re-occurrence from fish oil supplements. You only found out it was a meta-study if you read the article looking for an explanation. The study authors even tell you that the had to ignore data to support their findings. This is why the concept of meta-studies has little value in the real world.

Sorry for the gap in posts. Watch out for puppies.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Don't Train for the Scale

I have said many times that if your goal is to either lose some weight or get in shape, you will get frustrated and fail. You will then blame the supplements, the gym, the trainer, or ME. Screw That! Seriously, I fluctuate 3-5 pounds every day or so, and some days I can't run around the block. If my goals were that vague, I would still be out of breath playing with the dogs.

I suggest that you pick an event that you would like to do and train for that. Conveniently, the MS Society has the perfect opportunity for you! I started my wellness journey with an MS Ride 4 years ago and have signed up for my fifth ride this summer.


The ride is fun and easy. Cycling is low impact, so it is easy on the joints. I have had team members who have spanned ages and weights, so everyone can do this. The money you raise stays in the community to help people with MS and their families cope with the trials it brings them. If that is not enough of a reason, you feel like a hero at every rest stop!

Need more? Damn you're needy, you are the one that wants to change your body! This is perfect for the beginner through the fully fit!

I have a team of my own and conduct training rides in the spring when the weather breaks. If you are interested in joining my team click the “ask the guru” link and let me know. I will contact you with the info. Those who are not local to me click here:

Now like Freddie said: Get On Your Bikes and Ride!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Product Review: N.O. Xplode

With the summer months coming up, this time of year brings me questions from people who want to get in shape for the warm weather. Referred to as “cutting” or “getting cut up”, people are really saying the want to lose fat and keep or build more muscle. They are hitting the gym and exercising regularly. It is not uncommon, while in the gym, to hear people talking about the supplements they are using.

Pre-workout drinks are one of the most commonly used workout supplements. They are meant to provide your body with the tools it needs to get a better workout. Over the next few weeks, I will review the products I have tried, in an effort to give you an idea of what to look for and how to make your own selection.

One of the top selling pre-workout drinks in the market place is N.O. Xplode. Around for several years, BSN has recently updated the formula to version 2.0 adding beta alanine to the formula. I would only recommend this product to someone just starting out. It uses a combination of caffeine and sugar to deliver a sense of energy for your workout. I call this product the “training wheels” of the pre-workout world. It gives the user a sense of what a pre-workout should deliver.

My tolerance to stimulants is well known by the people asking me for help, and I personally do not feel any effect from this product. I would compare it to drinking a cup of coffee before you hit the gym. Keep in mind, that was what a pre-workout was just a few years ago. I did not notice a pump or increased vascularity from the product. Nor did I feel an increase in focus.

If you are very new to the world of stimulants or pre-workouts, using N.O. Xplode will work for you, however, there are much better pre-workouts in the market place for less money.

One note on my reviews: I am not paid by any supplement company, so I have no reason for anything less than an honest representation of the effects a product has on me.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

It seems like I get asked every day, by someone new, about sleep. Frankly, most of them are so stressed about not sleeping, I cannot imagine how they could fall asleep anyway. There are plenty of sleep aid sites on the net, I like this one. It puts me to sleep every time.  That may not help everyone, however.

Many people recommend exercise to help with sleep. This really does work, but do not exercise late in the day. This works best if you can work out early in the day. This is also a great way to stimulate the metabolism to burn more calories throughout the day. Exercise also works to reduce your stress load, which may be impacting your ability to sleep.

In the past, I have also suggested you try ZMA. Again, this has worked well with me. It promotes good restorative sleep. It also does not leave me groggy in the morning after. Be warned, the dreams it promotes are just plain strange.

Most people try melatonin first. I suggest trying about 3 mg to start. You can safely go up from there, but most have success there. Like ZMA, most do not feel groggy the next day. Unlike ZMA, I did not have the dreams. If you do use melatonin, once you have a solid sleep pattern established it is time to back down the dosage. By slowly reducing the amount you use, you will teach your body to produce your needs itself.

Nighty night!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Questioned about Gall(bladder)

I have been asked recently to look into help for those with gallstones. I admit this is not an area I have a wealth of knowledge in, it was time to put on my researcher beanie and get to work.

First the basics. The gallbladder is a small organ whose primary function is the excretion of bile during digestion. Bile aids in the breakdown of foods. There, now you are all experts.

I help people with digestive issues all the time. Digestive complaints are one of the areas that the mainstream have accepted supplemental help. We have all seen those TV spots for the lactose free milk. Lactose intolerance in adults is very common and not a lot of fun. When people come to me, one of the things I suggest trying for some digestive complaints are multi-enzyme supplements. Picking the “best” is a shot in the dark because of all the variables involved, so I suggest trying the cheapest available that covers your needs, i.e. if you are lactose intolerant, then be sure it has lactase in it.

However, when someone has had their gallbladder removed, I suggest Digest Gold from Enzymatica. Expensive, but this is where most people have ended up through trial and error anyhow. As there are around 500,000 people who have their gallbladder removed each year, this is not a rare suggestion from me.

But, that does not really answer the question I was asked. If you have pain, see a doctor. If the doctor says gallstones after testing and you do not want the surgery, your options are limited. Conventional wisdom is clear fluids, no fatty foods, and watch your overall cholesterol. I have found little to add, sadly. As bile is produced in the liver, I would suggest a liver cleanse of some kind - it may not be helpful, but is less invasive that surgery. These are the kinds of things that support overall good health, anyhow so they are of little help.

If you do have your gallbladder removed, a digestive enzyme can help you maintain a healthy diet with the verity that you want.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sometimes You Just Get Sick

It could be said I use a considerable amount of supplements to support my health, wellness, and fitness goals. This is a topic my spouse and I discuss on a regular basis. The conversations usually start with me being asked what that new supplement is, and why would I take it? The answer has a direct bearing on the way the rest of the conversation is going to go.

Although I am exposed to hundreds of different people everyday, most of them sick or getting sick, I am generally very healthy. I have not had a bout of cold/flu in years. This streak came to an end last week. When I get sick I can usually pinpoint the factors that broke down my immune system. In this case they include: 1 sick spouse, 7 stress filled days at work, 1 night at the local cigar bar. Hey, I got bad habits too.

So here is the Vita-guru with a sinus cold. My battle was mild and short compared to my spouse's, and I credit that to the supplements I regularly take for my health. I blasted the cold with extra vitamin C, lots extra, and my old standby oil of oreganol from North American Herb and Spice.  My personal experience with this product have made me a staunch proponent. My spouse used both it and the nasal spray from NAHaS as well. She is now a believer, not too happy with the way it felt in application, but a believer.

While we were both recovering, my wife comes to me with a nasal wash tool, similar to a neti pot. The concept of these devices is simple. Shoot saline solution into one side of the nose, and out comes the crap locked in your sinuses through the other side. In the spirit of full disclosure, I believed she was just trying to get even with me for the oreganol nasal spray. This is not my favorite procedure. The EWWWW factor makes me shudder still. With all that said...Shit worked! My sinuses have never felt better, my snoring is well diminished, and I feel pretty good.

Chalk one more up for the spouse's team!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Supplements and the Tebow Effect

The Dietary and Supplement Health and Education Act makes me say: “Supplements are not meant to treat, cure or prevent disease or illness.” This is a law enacted by congress in 1994. So, I have a question. After 18 years why is this still a headline: “Study: Vitamin D Has No Clear Benefit for COPDPatients”? By law the supplement industry cannot make this claim, so who is?

The article goes on to say that vitamin D does have some effect in the population at large, particularly in those with vitamin D deficiencies, but it does not work when you drill the numbers down. The writer cannot seem to reconcile this discrepancy. If it is overall beneficial, why not at the individual levels?

I have seen the same argument used to say correcting the diet of the population will not impact levels of type 2 diabetes, even though science has shown time and again it does in the individual. Why does it not work in the population at large?

I will henceforth call this the Tebow Effect, after the Denver Broncos “star” quarterback. For those who are not familiar with this chap, and because it is fun, I will explain. Tim Tebow is by stats one of the worst pro quarterbacks to ever be on a team. The man is just plain awful. He, however, won quite a few games this year. How is this possible? Other teams had demonstrably better quarterbacks, but lost several games to our hero.

When you look at the stats, no sane person would bet on this guy. But a game is more than one guy. The variables of the individual game were a greater impact to the outcome that one train-wreck of a player. The same works for the impact of supplements to the population. On the whole, studies indicate better health but when you drill down other things impact the findings in stronger ways.

The moral of the story is good supplementation supports good health, or Tebow is really, really awful. I kinda like both, but you choose.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Calories In Versus Calories Out

Big surprise here, eating too much causes weight gain. Thanks. Great. Got it. Really!

A recent study shows that even eating a high protein diet was unhealthy if it was excessive. It was still better than a comparatively excessive diet of processed high fat/ high carb diets, however. The high protein diet showed weight gain and the protection of lean muscle not found in the other diet.

What the study ultimately showed was that a balanced diet was the success to weight management. It comes down to a simple equation: calories in versus calories out equals weight change. No special “diet” required. No, you do not have to eat only protein, give up carbs, eat only foods that begin with the letter “Y”, or whatever new fad diet the industry can figure out to foist on desperate people tomorrow.

It is simple. When looking at your plate, it should have a handful of protein from a good whole food source, the same amount of good carbs, and fill the rest of the plate with vegetables. A balanced diet high in vegetables and fruit has been shown time and again to be the key to good health and weight.

Need a snack? Fresh fruit is a winner. Berries or nuts are also a great option, providing potent antioxidants or healthy fats. You do not have to starve to lose weight - in fact, if you are, you are in danger of storing calories. Just pick healthy foods and exercise.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Low T, the Latest Craze That All the Guys Are Getting

If commercial TV is any guide, then Low T must be sweeping the nation. You can't tell what it is, but hey, if you are a guy, it must be a terrible new disorder. Thanks to commercial TV, men are self diagnosing a condition and then looking to solve this issue themselves.

Low T is short and more easily pronounced than low testosterone. It is not new, it is not a disorder, it is the natural progression of aging if you are a man. Your testosterone levels are at their peak in your late teens though your middle twenties. From there, it gradually drops for the rest of your life. This is a natural process, it is what happens, so do not let the commercials make you think you are different or alone. You can ask your health care provider to run a test, or try one of the OTC tests that are available.

There are several supplements that support higher testosterone, having many studies and years of use, they give reliable results. Among the most common is Tribulus, an herbal supplement that causes the body to produce more testosterone. The next to look for would be Fenugreek, another herbal that is most known for the increase in milk production it causes in nursing mothers. Oddly, an extract of fenugreek also causes an increase in testosterone.

The latest and most popular supplement to enter the testosterone games is D-Aspartic Acid. It is an amino acid that has been shown in clinical studies to raise testosterone levels by 40% in as little as ten days. Those kind of significant results ensure its popularity with exercise enthusiasts.

I would look for a combination supplement that has these ingredients in it to raise my testosterone levels. Higher testosterone makes it easier to lose fat and build muscle, increase competitive energy, and as well as other more personal advantages.

One last thing about raising testosterone levels: There can be side-effects. Funny how those are not mentioned in the commercials. They can include higher DHT and anger issues. While rare, you should be aware and take steps to prevent issues.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bad Diet Equals Bad Brain

A recent university study showed a link to the presence of vitamin B, C, D, and E and Omega 3 fatty acids and better overall brain health. This was a study conducted on older Americans, so they also found a stronger link between higher trans fats and bad brain health and cognitive function.

Really, eating a diet of fruits, vegetables, and fish is good for you? Seems I may have heard that before, like a zillion times. More importantly, we can now add brain and mental health problems to the list of things that eating a diet of rich, fatty, fried foods is linked to.

So lets take a look at the score board.
“Bad Diet” has garnered:
-Inflammatory disorders
-Coronary disorders
-Poor brain health
-Poor mental health
But, they taste so good! Good thing we have drugs for all that stuff.

“Good Diet” has collected:
-Active life
-Good overall health
-Good mental function

But, you get to miss-out on all those fun drug side effects and drug interactions that people are dying for.!

My question really comes down to: Can anyone explain why cleaning up your diet is not this year's resolution?

Monday, January 2, 2012

What Does Normal Mean?

The other day I was talking with a guy about a recent trip to the doctor. He was skeptical about supplements, but his doctor suggested he try something. He was telling me about his conversation with the nurse. She had asked him if he got up during the night for a bathroom run. Being a man of a certain age, he said once or twice a night, just like every other man in his 40's. He then gave me the old “nudge, nudge, wink, wink”. In his mind, having BHP was not only inevitable, it was fine. He was sure that since Western medicine has ignored this issue, there must not be anything that can be done.

I am over 40. The only time I wake up is when my dog wants out. No, those intersleep potty breaks are not fine. Why would nature require sleep, then also require it to be interrupted? Restless, tired animals have a special name in the wild:


I have been using a saw palmetto combination supplement for years. Safe and effective, it supports the body's control of DHT. DHT is the stuff that causes prostate issues and has been linked to things like male pattern baldness. The body converts excess testosterone into DHT. It is believed plant sterols like those from saw palmetto inhibit the production of the enzyme that causes that conversion.

This bit of info was lost on the gentleman, because he had his mind made up about supplements. Christmas Eve, a friend was making the same complaint. I gave him a week's supply. On the Tuesday after the holiday, he called me and asked me to get him more. Seems he had slept the night through the last two nights for the first time in years.

It also stands to reason that if your body is not converting Test into DHT, you still have it to use. I wonder why I am seeing TV ads for Low Test drugs these days?