Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Cool Page I Came Across

I am asked for weight management help more than anything else. I can safely expect to give out diet advice on average 6 times in 9 hours. If you have ever suffered from overplay from a song on the radio, you can imagine how that feels. Actually it is more like explaining things to whiny toddlers, who are not going to listen anyways. AARRGH!

So, to review, my standard short answer for this goes as follows:

Imagine your plate. Cup your left hand, that is the amount of good lean protein per meal. Cup your right hand, there go your carbs. The space between is filled with vegetables and fruit. Remember fresh, bright colors are best. Want a snack? Eat your fill of fruit or vegetables.

This gets the autoresponse “But my traaainer saaays No Fruit because it has Fructose and that is a sugar!” This is one of the reasons that we have laws about physical assault in this country, BELIEVE me. Just how many fat monkeys have you seen? MOTHER OF GOD PEOPLE!

FYI – In case it is not clear, carbs are not evil and do not enter the body with the intent of exponential ass expansion. They are the brain's primary source of energy, which kinda explains things. I once worked with a fitness athlete trying to go pro. When he was cutting for a show, his carb intake was so low, I think someone else tied his shoes for him.

Anyways, back to the page I happened across today  What are your 4 pounds made of?  It lays it out for you simply. Gives you some great examples of nutrient density facts. So there go, you can stop weighing monkeys.


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