Before Dr. Oz decided that the single best thing that everybody needs to manage their weight was raspberry ketones, nobody had ever gave a damn about them. Why did the wizard that is Oz choose them, you might ask? Lord knows I did. Well, a couple of studies released in 2005 and 2010 indicated it raised lipolysis and the secretion of adiponectin.
Wow, Vita-Guru, that sounds great, you say. Well it might be great, neither study was in humans. They were done in mice given a high fat diet - read here Standard American Diet. While, ultimately, your body is shaped by what you eat and how much you exercise, raspberry ketones could support your goals well. Remembering that you have many variables in your life that prevent you from achieving laboratory results, I would suggest you consider adding a couple of other supplements to your routine if you are trying to better manage your weight.
The first supplement to compliment RK would be L-carnitine. This amino acid like compound shuttles fat for burning throughout the body. Makes sense that with the RK making it easier for your body to break down fat that you would want to get it somewhere to be burned. I would also add Yohimbine. This tree bark extract has be shown to inhibit the receptors on fat cells that prevent them from releasing the stored energy, clearly also very complimentary to RK. Yohimbine can have a stimulating effect so be careful when you first start taking it.
Remember that these supplements are just tools to help you build the body you want. If you buy a hammer and swing it one way you can build a house. Swing it another way and you will tear the house down. If you swing it with your eyes closed you will hit your thumb. At the end of the day, it is still a hammer supplementing your arm to do work. The same applies to RK. Eating right and exercise are still the way you swing that hammer.
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