Friday, December 30, 2011

Lose 10 Pounds Overnight!

I had someone ask me yesterday for a selection of diuretics and colon cleanses. She was going someplace warm for her vacation in a few days, and wanted to look better in her swimsuit. A “trainer” at a gym told her to get these items. Technically, he was correct, she would lose 10 pounds after a few very uncomfortable days. His advice had all the real merit of telling someone to roll down the windows because the car radio is too loud.

If your goal is to lose 10 pounds of fat to look better in a few days, the best thing you can be told is IT CAN NOT BE DONE!

Think about it.  You spent your life to look the way you do.  Are you really going to change that in days? I have been eating right and exercising for years, and I am no fitness model. It takes time to change your body especially without professional help.

With people making resolutions this time of year, I recommend changing what you eat, exercising, and using supplements to complement your efforts. You can build a house without a hammer, but it ain't easy! That is why I use supplements.

I have in the past recommended a foundation of supplements for body shaping: protein, creatine, glutamine, and arginine. I would add CLA. Conjugated linoleic acid is a great tool for the management of body fat. It used to be part of our diets when we were eating grass feed meat. One more thing we lost when “grain-feed” became a good thing. It works to prevent the absorption of bad fats from food, the reduction of empty fat cells in the body, and the production of lean muscle. It is generally safe, with little to no side effects. I would take 1 gram in the morning, 2 at lunch and 2 at supper. CLA will not win any races for speedy results, however. Most studies done are conducted over 1 year.

Another thing you could try is a product call SafSlim. Like CLA, it comes from safflower seed oil, but it has been shown to be more effective on belly fat in a 16 week trial. CLA was overall more effective on body fat, but SafSlim was more focused so it may be a better option.

Remember that you spent a lifetime looking the way you do. It will take time to change that. This weekend, just have fun and plan for the next vacation now.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Well, here it comes. The annual promises that people make to themselves to “get in shape”, “get healthy”, or “lose weight”. These all last until they realize how difficult changing your lifestyle can be. Some even make it as far as getting to the shock of finding out that it takes a long time to change themselves.

I have said in the past that vague goals will do you no good. Look around you and pick something fun that you would like to do, then train to do it. That is what worked for me, in the beginning. Six years ago, I decided to become a MSBiker These events are all over the country and happen most of the year. You do not need an expensive bike to take part, I have never used anything better than a used 30 year old ten speed. It is not a race, so you do not have to ride like Lance. There are rest stops every 8 to 10 miles, which means about 45 minutes of biking. When you pull into the stops, the volunteers there treat you like you are a rock star, which is very energizing. And when you are done, you have raised money for some of the members of your community that could really use it. Throughout the year, I help hundreds of people feel better and get healthy. I tell anyone who asks that the MS Ride is the most rewarding thing I do every year!

That started me down the path to better health. As you are making your resolutions, if you need help picking a goal, I can not think of a better way to start.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

What to Use, What to Use

People who know me often ask what I use before I start my workouts. There only about a bazillion choices in the pre-workout category, so one of them MUST be the best, right? And everyone must get the same response from the each of them. Yep, this is a good question for me.

Everyone is different, with different goals, workout styles, and tolerances. The best way to pick a pre-workout is to turn the bottle around and read the ingredients. I know, I know, if people did that, most of the crap in the grocery store would never sell, and it may mean the end of microwavable foods. It is a risk I am willing to take, Stouffer's be damned!

My tolerance to stimulants is nothing short of heroically scary. Through experimentation, I have found that I do not even feel caffeine short of 700 mg. That is about 7 cups of coffee, closer to 8 Red Bulls, or around 13 Mountain Dew sodas. It has often been noted that I have issues. So, when I am having a low energy day and need a boost to help me in my workout, I look for 13-dimethylamylamine. If the pre-workout has that in the ingredient label, I know I will feel it. It is a fantastic stimulant and can really power you through a great workout. My personal favorite is Jack3d from USP labs.  It is not great for cardio workouts, however. It can over amp my heart rate and cut my speed dramatically.

In general I do not need the extra energy from stimulants. That makes my choice of pre-workout much easier. I much prefer a supplement that improves focus and concentration. I have found that for almost every workout I have, PreSurge Unleashed is my go to formula. Most people will get a solid energy pick-up from this formula. What I love about it is the increase in focus the L-theanine provides. I am able to get neat, clean, full reps in each set, or cut minutes off my mile pace. If you are serious about your workout, I suggest you give PreSurge a try.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yea Turkey!

Smoked turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, turkey, stuffing, turkey, yams, turkey, and pumpkin pie. Oh, ya, in case I forgot to mention it, turkey. Then a great tryptophan induce nap. A great way to spend Thanksgiving!

Wait a minute. “Tryptophan induced nap”?

Yes, the amino acid L-tryptophan is part of the serotonin cycle and does support a feeling of relaxation and sleep. The problem is a serving of turkey has less than 400 mg of tryptophan. Turkey really is only about 1.1% tryptophan. In comparison, a serving of milk or sesame seeds is twice as potent. Most supplemental tryptophan starts at 500 mg per cap. It plays a supporting role - I forgot the rolls! - in your traditional Thanksgiving Day nap, but it is not the star.

Most of us will consume at least 1 to 2 days worth of calories in that one meal. Happily in my case! Since up to 80% of the calories we consume goes into the digestive process, it makes sense that we have to shut down other systems to deal with the load of food we just consumed. To blame the drowsiness on tryptophan is like saying the electric space heater tripped the circuit breaker in our home, and the rest of the things running are innocent.

So, what do we do?

Well, you could eat less. (Ya, I laughed at that when I wrote it) You could run out and by a digestive enzyme supplement to support the process in the stomach. I like Digest Gold by EnzymedicaYou could even try a teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar to improve the acid level in you stomach. This usually helps break down the food better.

Me, I plan watching football till I fall asleep. After all, it is a tradition.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Saying Goodbye to the Sun

Along with the Daylight Savings time shift, we here in the northern part of the country also have a noticeable decline in sunlight to enjoy. Add to the astronomically shorter days the gloom of the weather and you almost want to send the sun a going away party. Seems like we had one or two sunny days from the beginning of November to June last winter and spring. Even on the nice day we get each month, it is cold enough that we bundle up and cover as much skin as possible. Not the best way to catch some rays, dude.

The lack of sunshine means a drop in the vitamin D produced by our bodies for the next few months. Vitamin D has been in the news recently as more and more studies have found links between it and various cancers, H1N1 (swine flu),  and some forms of depression.  There more peer reviewed studies released everyday. Its support of the immune system could be why sickness is more common in the winter.

Unless you have a polar bear somewhere in your family history, snow-tanning is not a likely option for you in your efforts to maintain your body's Vitamin D levels during the winter. Some people try using tanning beds, but that leads to other cancer issues. You could always drink more milk, of course each serving has only got about 150 iu, which is about 25% of your needs to prevent rickets.

So, just how much Vitamin D should you try to get in your day? Well 10 minutes of direct summer sun in summer attire will generate about 10,000 iu. That would be, umm, about 67 servings of milk, per day, every day. A family of 4 would need two happy cows and a milking machine for its needs.

While some I know would love a couple of new pets, I suggest trying supplements. Vitamin D3 in supplemental form is very cheap and easy to take. I use a liquid version and just take a few drops a day. Being a fat soluble supplement you can take your weeks supply in one serving and be just fine. I have had people come to me with prescriptions for 50,000 and 100,000 iu doses. I personally shoot for about 5,000 to 7,000 a day to maintain good health.

Rays, cows, or pills your choice for your sun loss needs.

EDIT 11-8-11:

At the risk of offending Dr. House, you can add Lupus to list of illnesses are impacted by vitamin D.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

100% of People Who Say They Take Supplements Die

Eventually anyhow.

A recent study cited in the mainstream media, but never linked too, gave rise to headlines like:

Can Supplements Increase a Woman’s Risk of Dying?

Yep, clearly these dangerous supplements must be stopped! After all they are not regulated by the FDA, like Oxycodone, Vioxx, and Phen-fen. I feel much safer just knowing they are guarding us from the evil billion dollar supplement industry. I can see them now, twisting their handlebar mustaches, the bastards! I know the hundred billion dollar pharmaceutical industry is happier now.

As reported in several articles on the web the people in this study were surveyed about their supplement use and health. That sounds like good solid science to me. Yep walk through any mall stopping people “do you take vitamins?” Yes, hmmmm, and how do you feel? Hmmm, got a cold must be that supplements are bad for you.

I see no problem here. Clearly direct logic and solid critical thinking.


How is this even getting “Dog bites Man” respect from the media?

FYI, it is estimated that over 700,000deaths per year are the result of conventional medicine.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Goals Are For Beating

Wow, guess it has been a while since I wrote anything. Sorry. I got focused on a goal that I set a year ago. I was watching some friends run in a marathon race and decided to try it myself. Last weekend the race had one more runner. The event that started me running was a goal that I was very focused on finishing. Long story short, I finished the 13.1 mile half marathon in a personal best time and a whole lot of pain. More on that later.

Looking back over the year I realized that setting that goal changed my attitude towards working out and getting healthy. I went from “trying to get fit and stay healthy” in the short term and got the final results I had been trying to achieve for a long time before.

I often tell people at the beginning of a body/life changing process to pick an event they want to do. Make it a challenge to focus their training. I have helped many people change their bodies and health over the years, but that seems to be the key to success. A goal needs to be specific and difficult, but still obtainable. Saying “ I am going to “run a full marathon” when the farthest you have jogged is to the fridge during a commercial is a sure way to become frustrated with yourself. Making your goal “to get fit and healthy” is so vague that you have no way to know that being out of breath after your fridge dash is bad.

Be honest with yourself about where your are at when you set your goal. Pick something you have always thought would be rewarding to do. Make it only achievable when the amount of training you can push yourself to give. Plan and execute! Then go beat the stuffing out of that goal!

Along the way you may find yourself where you originally wanted to be.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Advice Needs to be Useful

Having just become a runner, I am always looking for advice to help me out. When I saw “Tips for Half Marathon and Marathon Recovery” I became very interested. Regretfully the advice given is less than rudimentary. If this was advice for electrical wiring it would go like this:

Buy Wire
Attach one end to the “screwy” thingy on the the outlet thingy
Attach the other end to the main power supply
Use outlet

FYI: That is not how you wire ANYTHING

First piece of advice given is use ice to control inflammation. Sure. Yep. Cold does help with inflammation. Of course any 10 year-old knows that, but it is advice. Inflammation is a complex response to stress in the body. Controlling it with ice is the first step. I suggest you use something to support your body's response to stress DAILY. If your body is prepared to handle the inflammation when it arises, then it will be able to control it and let the beneficial aspects work.

Eat healthy. Well you just spent at least 3000 calories. Eat healthy. Some details may be missing. According to the FDA the Baconator and a Soda from Wendy's is a perfectly acceptable meal. Before you run consume a meal of slow digesting proteins and carbs mixed with some faster carbs. Oatmeal with brown sugar and a protein shake are just about perfect here. Add a banana at the start of the race for a burst of energy and electrolytes. During a long run be sure to get plenty of fast carbs and water. Most races have hydration stations with sports drinks along the way. Use them. You are burning more calories than you will consume, so do not worry about it. I carry a drink with me consisting of BCAA, glutamine, carbs, electrolytes, and arginine. I developed it while cycling and have fine-tuned it over the years. By using this mix, I have drastically reduced my recovery time.

Next is get plenty of sleep. Wow! Sleep! I hear it is overrated. The body recovers daily during sleep. It is key for hormone production, muscle repair, and preparing for the next day. Nope, never would have thought of that!

The last piece of advice given is to get plenty of rest. Hey! Wait a minute! That sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before. Hmmmm. Oh ya, it is in the paragraph I just finished reading.

While not wrong advice, this was useless. Useless advice can cause more problems than no advice! Don't believe me, try my way to wire a house.

Wait – don't try that!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Big Pharma Agrees, Kinda

In a brilliant flash of insight, researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center realized that squalamine, originally from shark livers, has anti-viral properties. Seems that, they noticed that sharks don't get many viruses, probably from the lack of great white sharks in the ER. Sharks don't have insurance.

Of course this piece of information has been available to them from the researchers in the supplement industry for decades. There have been numerous studies on shark liver oil:

Arthur, G., and Bittman, R. "The inhibition of cell signaling pathways by antitumor ether lipids." Biochim Biophys Acta 1998 Feb5; 1390(1): 85-102.

Fujiwara, K., "Cytokinetic and morophologic differences in ovarian cancer cells treated with ET-18-OCH3 and the DNA-interacting agent, etoposide." Anticancer Res 1997 May-Jun; 17(3C): 2159-67.

Hichami, A., "Modulation of platelet-activating-factor production by incorporation of naturally occurring 1-O-alkylglycerols in phospholipids of human leukemic monocyte-like THP-1 cells."
Eur J Biochem 1997 Dec 1; 250(2): 242-8.

LeBlanc, K., "1-O-hexadecyl-2-metoxy-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine-a methoxy ether lipid inhibiting platelet activating factor-induced platelet aggregation and neutrophil oxidative metabolism." Biochem Pharmacol 1995 May 26; 49(11): 1577-82.

Pugliese, Peter T. Devour Disease with Shark Liver Oil. Green Bay: Health Information Specialists, 1999.

Pugliese, PT., "Some biological actions of alkylglycerols from shark liver oil." J Altern Complement Med 1998 Spring:4(1): 87-99.

Robinson, M., "Inhibition of phorbol ester-stimulated arachidonic acid releases by alkylglycerols." Biochim Biophys Acta 1995 Feb 9: 1254(3): 361-7.

Verdonck, LF., and van Heugten HG. "Ether lipids are effective cytotoxic drugs against multidrug-resistant acute leukemia cells and can act by the induction of apoptosis." Leuk Res 1997 Jan; 21 (1):37-43.

Wang, H. "Differentiation-promoting effect in human colon cancer cells." J Cell Physiol 1999 Feb;178(2): 173-8.
Seems that these studies are not valid because they are for a “supplement”. Now that a pharmaceutical company has made a patentable synthetic version, squalamine bears studying. Of course they are quick to point out that squalamine comes from liver tissue, originally. It is however present in the oil with several other compounds that provide immune support. What I fear they are overlooking is the fact that the virus free sharks have all of these compounds, not just the squalamine. That is usually important to achieve the health benefits desired. Kinda why you have to eat your vegetables, not just “take a pill”.

I am glad they have found a more sustainable way to create squalamine. I have no issue with a company making money selling their products. It is also nice to watch them back away from the scoffing they do towards supplements as well.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This is What They Are Complaining About

I spend a great deal of my limited TV watching time complaining about the uses and side effects of the drugs advertised in commercials. The eye rolling from my wife, corresponding “here we go again” included, the best response I get, she perhaps has heard it too much. I also spend a lot of time railing against the mis-interpretation of DSHEA common in the health and media communities.

That said, when I see a company in the supplement industry acting irresponsibly, I also feel they must be called out.

I recent came across a supplement whose package claims were so vague as to be absurd. It claimed to be an “anabolic hardening agent”. I use a lot of sport supplements and I have still no clue what that means. When a company makes claims that can not be verified on its products, I get suspicious.

Advertising is the cause of most of my problems and here it is again. I uniformly tell people to ignore the front of any packaging and read the ingredients. So I turned the bottle around.

There were just three ingredients in the supplement. A palm tree extract, Bermuda grass extract, and another plant extract that I had never heard of. Time for researcher guru to step up! By the way, researcher guru is not very quick. The studies to justify the ingredients in the product were at the very best “limited”. They were not human or in vitro or just “traditional use” based. In my opinion that is the same as saying “snake oil”.

This is the the kind of thing that give functional supplements a bad name. It makes it easy to believe that supplements are all hooey and hogwash. To be sure, there is false advertising and useless products in any industry, but the supplement industry starts out because of the generally accepted false claims about its products. Step up or step out!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Energy Crisis

Wow, I meet a World War II POW camp survivor today. He was imprisoned not far from Dachau. He had some stories to tell!

He came to me because he needed help with selecting a multivitamin that he could take. The VA has him on Coumadin, so the multi cannot contain vitamin K. I am asked about this kind of situation often, so I have some ready suggestions for people to choose from. While we were talking he mentioned how tired he was and was hoping the multi would help his energy levels.

In general, the first thing I suggest to a cardiovascular patient for energy is CoQ10. This vitamin-like compound is part of the Krebs cycle in the body and is vital for energy. While our bodies can produce it, that goes down with age. It is also particularly important to the health of the heart and brain.

CoQ10 has a structure that is similar to vitamin K, however, so taking it with out the direction of his doctor would be hazardous for my new friend. After a quick little bit of research, I had ruled out adaptogens like ginseng and rhodia rosea, both of which are renowned for their energy support. Of course any stimulants were right out.

I decided to take a step back and look at the Krebs cycle again. If we cannot supplement CoQ10, then maybe we can help the other parts of the process along. First up – Magnesium. Nope, it seems Coumadin does not do well in the presence of minerals. Yep, that's right, this drug to treat a person does not do well in the presence of the building block of life. And they say supplements are a con-game!

Turns out, he can supplement with malic acid and D-ribose to support the Krebs cycle, as both of these are not contra- indicated with Coumadin. Fantastic! These are major building blocks to ATP in the body. It took an hour of research, but was more that worth it. I got to help a World War II veteran and a POW camp survivor feel better. No day that has that in it can be bad!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

As anybody with joint pain will tell you controlling inflammation is the key to controlling pain. Inflammation is the body's natural response to harmful situations. Stub your toe, it swells. I have personally performed that particular “experiment” more than I would like to, you do not need to test it. Trust me.
Inflammation is part of the healing process, without it wounds would not heal and infections would get worse. Uncontrolled inflammation, however, is associated with many diseases and infirmities. Controlling inflammation also controls the pain your toe is giving you. Don't believe me, watch TV for an hour or two. You will see more than enough commercials about anti-inflammation drugs to change your mind. People do not like being in pain and will pay to make it go away.

Chronic inflammation is bad. No question, no argument. But cancer is, I think, worse. I tell everyone who asks me for help with this kind of problem to look at systemic enzymes to support a healthy response to inflammation. I use Wobenzyme. I have recommended to my family, and to many of the people who seek me out. My personal experience with product have given me better pain relief than I ever got from the OTC painkillers. Short of the intravenous painkiller I received when my lung popped I have never had faster pain relief. I have observed similar reactions when my family use this same product. Also it very safe for most people. And would seem to be far safer that the OTC drugs available.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What Do You Know

After about four years of misunderstanding and misusing a supplement, I have been schooled!

About 4 years ago I first tried a sports supplement with beta-alanine in it. I within 15 minutes I started to feel the nerves in my skin tingle. It is a prickly feeling that also acts to wake you up. I thought this was the extent to the benefits of the beta-alanine. Sure, I had heard that it was a good alternative to creatine for muscle building, but I never notice much of a difference and creatine is common and effective for muscle production. I also believe that post-workout supplements were more important than pre-workout so I never gave it much thought.


This summer I tried Intraxcell fromAthletic Edge Nutrition. I still notice the prickly feeling from the BA but that has gone down over time. After about 3 weeks of consistent supplementation with this product I noticed a significant reduction in muscle fatigue. I am a runner and a cyclist and I have seen a 2 minute improvement in my mile pace while running. I have found that the bar on my pace and distance has been moved well past my previous limits. I had been trying to add about 10% more distance in my run each week. I am easily making that addition and still improving my pace.

Intraxcell is backed by several clinical studies that support its formulation versus other Beta-alanine products in its class. It has several ingredients that also supports its muscle fatigue fighting efforts including NAC. My one problem with Intraxcell stems from the NAC, which comes from a natural sulfur compound. It causes the pills to smell strongly like eggs. I have spoken with Jon Lapolla, from Athletic Edge Nutrition, about this and he assured me that they have worked this problem out of all new product, so I do not expect this to be a problem in the future.

I strongly recommend this product to anyone who is into body shaping of any kind. I find it effective for endurance, MMA, and power lifting types of activities. Follow the dosing instructions on the bottle. The key to your success with this product lies in consistent use.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Now That They Are Back in School

They spent all summer without so much as a sniffle, then go back to school and a few weeks later they have this year's version of the plague. Kids seem to be the catalyst for flu season in my part of the world. More people tell me about how they got sick, their spouse got sick, the whole house got sick a month or so after the school season starts up again. Why are the schools such breeding ground for colds?

Begin by looking at the situation we created in the summer. Kids have the worst diets and spend all of their time being as lazy as they can get away with. (Maybe not just kids) This is a great recipe for an impaired immune system. They do not suffer from anything largely because they are not exposed to anything. Kids only hang out with a few different people for most of their summer time off.

Then, just when the hayfever season starts to ramp up again, we ship them off to school. My kids have never had a class smaller than 25 students in their lifetime, and usually larger. Each class had a generous mingling of different students and teachers, plus time in the halls with several hundred other people. Add to the mix no central HVAC, so no real air circulation. It really is a wonder that all we get from this environment is a “cold”! Exposing people with even slightly impaired immune systems to that breeding ground is ridiculous, but we do and then accuse them of faking to get out of school.

Kids must go to school, if for no other reason than to give moms a break. The environment in the schools is not going to change. It would be wise for us to shore up the defenses our bodies have to ward off as much as possible. I suggest you keep it as simple as possible, multivitamin and extra vitamin C daily. With a good diet this is usually enough to fend off most of the illness in the schools. At the first sign of a cold, however, pull out all the stops! I personally swear by liquid oil of oregano, but you are not very likely to get a kid to take it. It really does burn. For most kids, I would suggest Wellness Formula from Source Naturals. It takes an “everything plus the kitchen sink” approach to immune support. As always follow the dosing instructions for each.

I would also suggest that when the first little bout of illness comes around everyone in the house start taking either supplement. As the expression goes: The best defense is a good offense.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why People Should Never Eat Lunch With Me

I was having lunch with a member of my family a few days ago and he was telling me about his bronchitis that he was suffering through. I told him he should have gone with walking pneumonia, cause it sounds cooler. He had just finished taking his prescribed meds and was feeling a little sleepy. Out of curiosity I asked what he was taking. The doctor had put him on a very potent oral antibiotic. The first thing out of my mouth was to tell him to start eating lots of yogurt. The look he shot me was delightful. There was confusion and sleepy mixed in with the “what is he babbling about now?” that I usually get.

In an effort to clear up my cousin's confusion, I started to ask what the doctor said he should expect to happen during the course of meds. Great conversations over meals I have, I know. The doctor or pharmacist told him that he could expect diarrhea as a side-effect of the medicine. “Side-effect”! That made me laugh, calling the diarrhea from antibiotics a side-effect is the same as calling victims of friendly fire the side-effect of gun fights.

Antibiotics have one job. It is right there in the name; anti- against, biotic- life. They are designed to kill things, specifically bacteria in the body. Oral antibiotics kill bacteria in the gut, both good and bad. They basically carpet bomb your gut, then the move onto the blood stream and continue their job. It is the killing of the good bacteria that causes the well known “side-effect”.

The solution is simple, cheap, and safe. Take a pro-biotic 2 hours after each dose of the antibiotic. Wow, one little pill and you don't have all the joys of the “side-effect” of the prescription, kinda makes you wonder why they don't tell you this when you pick-up your medicine. Don't ask me, I have no clue, I just shake my head and marvel at what people will go through because someone in a white coat tells them to.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Every Year We Go Through This Same Ritual

So, you spent the last two months working hard at being lazy. You have done practically no work of any kind, spending all of your time on the couch playing video games, watching movies, or just hanging out. No mental activity past where to find the junk food you have hidden around the house. Oh ya, your diet could not have been worse. The fact that you are sleeping till the middle of the afternoon makes it difficult to get more than one real meal a day, so you have been supplementing with potato chips and soda.

Then your parents tell you school starts in two weeks.

This is what we do to our kids every year. They have a summer off and develop so many bad habits, it has become the working man's dream. Then we change their entire world in two, or fewer, weeks. Then we, the adults, expect them, the kids, to not have let themselves be lazy, and be ready to start the school year off fresh, focused, and with a strong work ethic to get good grades.

'Cause that's the way we come back from our 1 week off from work we get 2 or 3 times a year. Sure.

Now is the time to help them “right” themselves, and re-establish the correct behaviors for school. I suggest tackling the sleep patterns first. I have teen-agers. They have not seen the “AM” on a clock that was not preceded by 1:00 since June. Their sleep cycle has been completely destroyed. I suggest attacking the problem from both sides.

Help them fall a sleep at a reasonable time. Most of us have difficulty falling a sleep at a new time. We toss and turn for hours getting frustrated, but persevere because we know we need too. I would start with a sub-lingual melatonin supplement to bring on sleep more quickly. Try about 3mg to start. Melatonin is considered safe with few, if any, side effects that most never experience. It is a natural hormone that promotes sleep.

I also suggest waking them up earlier each day. This will also help them get used to the needed sleep cycle. Again, I have teen-agers so I plan to use a tool designedperfectly for the job, but you should use what ever your kids respond too.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tis the Season

About this time every year, I have parents come to me for advice about their young football star. They want to know how to keep them healthy through the season and get the most out of their practices so they can play at a high level during the game. Dad also wants the kid to be the next Peyton Manningeven if he plays nose guard

Each level of competition has a different set of rules regarding what supplements the players can and cannot use, so it is always necessary to check with your own governing body to be sure you are not breaking any rules. With that in mind, hydration during practice and games is critical and, if done correctly, within most guidelines. We have all seen the big orange drink containers on the sidelines. They sponsor a lot of teams and deserve the publicity. I feel the best use of that drink is after the game.

Hydration is critical to the safety of the player. Being dehydrated can cause muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting, and in extreme cases death. So that makes the case for drinking water during an athletic event easy. The problem is that the sweat lost during exercise is more than water. The body also loses critical electrolytes in that sweat. Electrolytes are minerals that serve your body during muscle activity and other functions. They need to be replaced.

But wait, there's more! As long as you're drinking water and getting electrolytes, why not add some fast carbs for continuous energy? You're burning fuel at a terrific pace running up and down the field. It takes a lot of energy to launch your body 6 feet in the air to score that touchdown.

Sounds a lot like the drink in the orange cooler doesn't it?

Here is the difference: branch chain aminos and L-glutamine. BCAA's should be used before, during, and after any exercise. They are part of energy production and help to protect your muscles during exercise. As I have said before L-glutamine buffers lactic acid and is used in muscle repair. They are also not in the most widely available sports drinks.

The above combination is the formula that the Steelers used when they won the Super Bowl, and what the Olympic team uses, and what is usually in the cups you are seeing pro-athletes drinking, no matter whose logo is on the cup. It will require you to mix a few ingredients yourself but the results are consistent among the people to whom I have suggested it.

Not into football? (I am not sure that sentence makes sense to me.) This formula is used by runners, bikers, wrestlers, MMA, baseball and basketball players, golfers that I know about. If you are sweating on the job, get a new job, but til then drink this so you can play after work.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Getting Big the Right Way

I spent most of my life as a scrawny - mom's word - kid. I have a small frame and the muscle structure to match. I have gotten used to the idea that there will always be someone stronger than I. I learned to deal with this in two ways. First, I focused on the things my body could do well, such as running and biking. Second, I let them do all the heavy work. Turns out, I am kinda lazy. I understand what drives the guys that want to change themselves and get big.

Adding muscle when you are small takes more than going to the gym a few times and looking at yourself doing curls in the mirror. You need to work as hard to get big as most need to lose weight, and it will take longer. The first thing to come to grips with is the fact that you are an animal. Nature does not like waste - how many fat monkeys do see? When you gain a pound of muscle it requires more calories to maintain, so your body will not want to keep it long. You have to commit to this new lifestyle as a permanent part of your life. If you don't, your work will be lost almost right away.

Once you have decided that this is your goal, and you are training to achieve it, there are some supplements that can help you out. I have written about the core four, protein, creatine, glutamine, and arginine in the past but you will need more help to get to your goals. I would look first at your post work out/ recovery shake. I suggest that you get 30 grams of protein with about 60 grams of carbs in that shake. I would then add 5 grams of creatine. That seems to work the best for the guys I help. Any more protein and it will likely be flushed down the drain. The carbs are needed to recharge your muscles and control your insulin. Most people do not realize that insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body. Controlling your insulin is a great way to improve the gains you will earn from you workouts.

Ideally, that will be the only shake of the day. You need to eat your calories, not drink them. Eat a balanced diet that has enough calories based on your metabolic rate to gain muscle at a controlled, slow and steady pace. Fast gains are fast loses. Remember you are change your body and it has been many years in the making already.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Krill Oil for Non-Belugas

“Which is better: krill or fish oil?” This is a question that I have faced almost daily for the better part of two years. When Dr. Oz gave his endorsement, it did not make my life any easier. I have asked the very same question to the people who produce the products we are deciding between.

My first warning about krill oil came 18 months ago when I asked 3 respected producers why I should take krill oil instead of the high quality fish oil supplement I had been using. Everything I had read up till then had indicated that I wanted to take between 1.5 and 2 grams of EPA and DHA per day. To achieve that in krill would require baleen . I might be overestimating. My best received response was about the superior absorption of krill. The most common response was a condescending smile, and friendly pity. I guess I have that kinda face.

Well, two years later, I feel confident when people ask me that question. Krill is an outstanding source of astaxanthin, an outstanding antioxidant that I place a very high value on. For the omega 3 fatty acids, however, it is just not a practical source. Even it's better absorption does not over come its low amounts per dose of EPA and DHA. When you couple that to the fact that only 1 ship, not company but ship, has been certified as sustainably harvesting the krill, my decision is clear.

I do not take krill because it has the potential to do more harm to the environment than benefit to me.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Supporting the Whole You

The other day I woke up with a headache. I was away from home and did not have any solutions for the pain with me. I was not doing anything mentally stimulating, so there I sat with the pain and boredom. It made me think about what I would do if someone had approached me with this same issue.

Often people want a remedy for the pain, something that will work right away. When this happens I tell them I take aspirin. I love the look of shocked horror on their faces! After they recover I start the real process to help them.

Treating a symptom like a headache and calling it a cure is much the same as using one of the spray can flat tire repair kits to fix a flat. It does the job, but you still have a nail in your tire. A headache, for example could be caused by many things, such as excess stress, exhaustion, too much alcohol, or getting hit with a frying pan. It makes sense to most of us to prevent the headaches when we can. If most of your headaches come from flying cookware then you would naturally learn to duck and maybe buy a hard hat. Hangovers are prevented just as easily. Nobody does it, but, hey, at least it more fun the the Calphalon assault.

Why, then, would we not take the same steps for a systemic cause? Helping the body cope with chronic stress can have an impact on the frequency of the headaches. Use an adaptogen, such as rhodiola, to support your body's response to stress. If your sleep has been poor lately, using supplements like L-theonine, L-trytophan, or ZMA can help you return to regular sleep.

I know that when I do not eat correctly my blood sugar can drop and a headache soon follows. Regular use of supplements like cinnamon and chromium when combined with proper diet can help support blood sugar within normal levels.
Treating the symptom with something to mask it does not really help support your health. It is up to you to look for what is causing the symptom. Take the remedy of your choice to help with the immediate problem, just don't forget to look for the underling problem to maintain your better health.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What Does It All Mean

Many of us have heard the terms Omega 3, Omega 6, or Omega 9. A lot know that Omega 3s come mainly from fish oils, while Omega 6 and 9 come from plant and farm animal sources. Moo, Oink. Few of us, including me, knew what the 3, 6, or 9 meant.

The number in the name refers to the double bond, of carbon I believe, in the fatty acid. Omega 3 refers to fatty acids with the third double bond, omega 6 is the sixth double bond, and omega 9 is the, wait for it, ninth double bond. There is also a supplemental omega 7, but I figured you could run that down for yourselves.

Why is that important? To most of us, including me, it isn't. Frankly, I am pleased you made it this far in the post. If you are really interested or have lots of spare brain cells you can also look into the “cis” bonds. For myself, I am more interested in the way the body reacts to them, and uses them.

To simplify things, if you think of omega 3s as fish oils and omega 6s as vegetable oils, it will be easier for you to control their places in your life. This is not a correct way to look at them. Omega 3, 6, 7, and 9 are present together in most sources, but for ease in dietary concerns I will paint with a broad brush.

Omega 6 from things like corn and canola oils, which are two of the most common cooking oils, are big players in the diet of many of us. These omega 6's, when they out proportion omega 3's, have a profoundly inflammatory effect in the body. They may also create, in the right situations, arachidonic acid. No, this is not how Peter Parker got his mojo. Arachidonic acid is a powerful inflammatory omega 6 that has been tied to things like brittle muscle cells and prostate cancer.

Omega 3 from fish oils, and vegetable sources like flax and chia, support a healthy response to inflammation. They support the cardiovascular system, brain, eyes, skin, and joints. They also help with mood and the ability of the mind to focus.

Most of us do not cook with fish or flax oils, so how do we maintain the healthy 2 to 1 ratio of omega 3 to omega 6, you may ask? Well, I suggest you stop deep frying. It seems like a smart ass thing to say, but, it is really still to common a way to cook. Pan fry, if you must, but use lower temperature oils like olive and coconut. These tend to be better for you and taste better as well. I also supplement with omega 3 every day. I try to be sure my total of EPA and DHA for any day is over 1.1 grams.

Inflammation is linked to every disease as a contributing factor. It inhibits the bodies ability to deal with stress, toxins, and life in general. Why not be sure to keep such a simple problem in check?

Monday, June 27, 2011

There is a growing medical crisis in the United States that can affect anyone. One in seven people have osteoporosis, costing $20 billion to the US economy each year. This rate is going up as the population of the US ages. It also does not include osteopenia, which also can lead to an increase in bone fractures and their severity.

We've all had broken bones, so what is the big deal? As we age, these breaks can require lengthy rehab, hospital care, or lead to death. In fact, 40% of those who suffer a major break after the age of 80 die within one year. That statistic is 20% for those over 70. FYI, the average life expectancy for someone in the U.S. is 78. 

With all that on the line, and past problems with drug therapies, you would think the FDA would inspect the information for clinical testing of new therapies more seriously. Nope.

I submit that if your therapy has worse side effects than the disease it is treating, you may want to change things up. There are several new supplements that have clinical studies showing bone density improvement with their use. Among those I like Bone StrengthTake Care  and The Grow Bone System from The Garden of Life.  Both of these products are safe and support bone density.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fair Product Reviews Need to Be Complete

I have spent a considerable amount of time helping people manage their weight. These conversations frequently start with the question: “Do any of these products work?” The expectation is that supplements to help people manage their weight are all scams. There are certainly enough scams out there to warrant some skepticism, but I find that the larger issue lies with the use and expectation of the supplements available. People looking for the magic pill should try the end of the rainbow.

When I read the review of a supplement on Diet-blog,  I felt that they undervalued the ingredients of the product and did not tie them back to the manufacturer's claims. This kind of review only perpetuates the problems of the industry and does not educate the reader effectively.

I have not tried this product and I am not familiar with it or the manufacturer outside of the review. The product line is called Quick TrimIn an effort to fairly review it, I will only be able to speak to its ingredients, not to the product itself. If these ingredients are just “names on a label”, they will not have the effects I am talking about.

From the review:


Caffeine (200 mg), Vitamin C, Niacin, Chromium, Amino Acids, Banaba Leaf Extract, Sage Leaf Extract, Willow Leaf Extract, Cocoa Extract, Black Pepper Extract, Fruit Extracts, Green Tea, Aloe, Oat Fiber, Various Seed and Root Extracts

Quick Trim Claims

  • Cleanse and detoxify
  • Burn fat and boost metabolism (burn up to 8,000 calories per month)
  • Reduce cellulite to shape and tone your body
  • Boost energy levels and increase mood
  • Decrease bloating and water retention
  • Maintain blood sugar levels
  • Curb cravings

The Conclusion

The caffeine (which you can find in two cups of coffee), acts as a mild stimulant, a temporary diuretic, and a mild appetite reducer. The niacin may make your face feel hot and flushed to give you the sensation that the product is working. Chromium has been heavily studied and researchers are still unsure if it may help promote stable blood sugar. All of the other ingredients in Quick Trim are fairly insignificant. A few may act as a mild laxative or add a few grams of fiber to your diet.
Mainly, Quick Trim could likely calm your appetite for about 15 to 60 minutes and act as a mild laxative. However, I don't believe it is going to help you shed pounds. This supplement is likely safe, but every person is different and those allergic to caffeine or who have low caffeine tolerance should be cautious. Quick Trim is not FDA approved. As always, proper diet and exercise is the key to safe and long term weight loss.

Of the ingredients that were listed but not discussed, the first I was surprised to see was banaba leaf I have previously written about this supplement and feel it supports healthy blood sugar levels, which does help craving control. Cocoa extract is a source of theobromine, which acts to control appetite and cravings. It also helps with mental focus. Black pepper extract can improve the absorption of the other ingredients in the supplement. Left out of the review was the fact that caffeine is also a diuretic, which speaks to the claim regarding bloating and water retention. I would have to know what aminos and fruit extracts are in the product, but these too can be very effective in the battle over the bulge.

Outrageous claims and jaded reviews do nothing to educate the consumer, and many will fall victim to both and give up on their health as a result.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Beat Goes On

Regulating high blood pressure has become a major health focus for many of us. It is a multi-billion dollar industry in this country alone. A recent study indicates that one in five people between the ages of 24 and 32 may have high blood pressure and not be aware of it. Many experts believe the risk of developing high blood pressure in adults over 55 above 90 percent. High BP can cause many health issues including damage to your eyes, heart, brain, and kidneys. It is know wonder that I talk to people everyday that are looking for a safe way to maintain their blood pressure in a healthy range.

One of the first things that I suggest they try is the amino acid L-arginine. This amino has long been used by sports enthusiasts as a vaso-dilator. Part of the nitric oxide cycle in the body, L-arginine works best with two other aminos - L-ornithine and L-citrulline - to create N.O. in the blood, which can reduce BP by creating more space in the blood vessels.

Complementary to the L-arginine, adding pomegranate extract provides benefits on multiple fronts. Pomegranate extracts work as an antioxidant, protecting the walls of the blood vessels, improving the activity of nitric oxide synthase. Pomegranate also increases the level of paraoxonases (PONs), which are major component of HDL. Pomegranate extracts also act as an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, which helps to lower blood pressure. Lastly, pomegranate is a very potent antioxident for the entire body, providing many protective health benefits.

A combination of supplements to support healthy blood pressure levels is usually the best course. Not everything works with everybody, so some experimentation with your supplements may be necessary. Look for the supplement plan that matches your personal needs and fits into your lifestyle.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What is the Big Deal With Antioxidants

We hear about antioxidants all the time. They are referred to in news articles, blogs, and so often used in marketing products many of us have become skeptical of their value nutritionally. Most of us even know and understand that they are something that prevents damage from free radicals. But, few of us ever really think about how important and versatile that function can be.

Free radicals are molecules that have an extra oxygen attached to them, making them negatively charged. Nature does not like this, so that extra oxygen molecule will attach to other molecule, changing its state and starting the process over again in a chain reaction. That is the chemical explanation for the process, most of us know it as “rust” and we see it every day. When our cars rust, they are being oxidized and become much weaker, function poorly, if at all, and break easily. The “rust proofing” industry has grown up to protect our investment in our cars.

Our bodies are rusting everyday and we normally do very little about it. In truth, if you are eating a balanced diet with a lot of different, fresh fruits and vegetables, you may not need to add more general purpose antioxidants. Most of the people I know, including myself, find it very difficult to eat just such a diet. This creates a gap in our nutrition that can cause many different illnesses, inflammation, pain, and suffering.

Antioxidants are not part of an anti-aging program. The only way to stop aging is permanent and not recommended. It is part of a healthy aging program. I like to say I am not going to live forever, but I am going live while am alive.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Multiple Choice

People ask me what supplements they should take to support a specific health concern daily. I make a few suggestions and then ask: “What multi are you taking?” I have seen more eye-rolling in a week than I get from talking to my teenager! It is obvious that the person I am talking with does not see any value in taking a daily multi-vitamin/multi-mineral. It is the most underrated supplement I suggest.

Why? The sole purpose of a multi is to fill in the nutritional gaps created by our diet. It does not matter how “perfect” you try to eat, your diet will be lacking due to things not in your control. Things like soil depletion and conventional fertilizers have lowered the nutritional value of our vegetables. Livestock being raise in pens and fed a single food diet have an impact on our meats and dairy. I try to eat a balanced diet, but I know that I am not ever going to be “perfect”.

So, if your diet is not complete, and you're not taking a multi to ensure your body is getting everything it needs daily, it stands to reason that you're going to have health issues. No machine operates without proper fuel. A multi is your safety net, making sure your basics are under control.

When you are trying to select a multi for yourself, try to pick one that best describes who you are. Take a men's or women's multi as a basic suggestion. Pick one designed for diabetics if you have sugar control problems. Over a certain age? That will have an impact on your needs.

Next I try select a multi that is as “close to the vine” as possible, meaning more natural or whole food based. Vitamins and minerals are not by themselves in nature, and the body needs that things they are bound to as well. Many times those flavonoids will help the vitamin's functions in the body.

I also check to make sure the multi is supplying me the correct amounts of any specific nutrient. It does no good to take a multi if the vitamins, minerals, or other supplements in it are not an effective dose. Often this means that my multi is not going to be a “one a day”. I believe the inconvenience is worth it in the long run. After all, a name in the label is not going to do me any good.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Passing the Test

Fitness enthusiasts often come to me looking for a quick way to bulk up muscle by increasing their testosterone levels. By increasing their bodies testosterone levels, they hope to be able to more easily gain muscle mass and strength. They spend hours in the gym, it would be kinda nice if they had something to show for the effort.

Before you decide to use a testosterone or test booster, it is critically important to have your fundamental fitness supplement plan in practice. Why spend the money on a new supplement if you are not covering the basics first? Why try to build a house on quicksand?

You also will need to make your selection with an eye to your own natural testosterone levels. Anyone in their early twenties need not apply. Your natural test levels are high enough that you will need to take a very strong test booster or pro-hormone to achieve any results. Most of the supplements on the market will not support your goal of building muscle, but only give you a short term, in the gym, effect. It would be stomping on the gas in a car with a governor on the engine. After 55 mph, it doesn't matter how much gas you are giving it.

That said, if you are looking for a supplement plan to raise your testosterone levels, I suggest the following:

Tribulus Testerris: a natural testosterone booster
ZMA: supports the production of testosterone in the body
D-Aspartic Acid: an amino acid that has been show to increase testosterone levels
Saw Palmetto or Beta Sitosterol to block DHT

These give you a great place to start in your testosterone boosting efforts. Remember that to gain muscle you will also need to take in more calories. You cannot build a house without lumber.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lunch at the Bar

When I was much younger, I worked in a place that was so busy that I was not able to physically consume enough calories to maintain my body's exertion. By the end of the season, my body was wrecked, and serious illnesses were common among my peers. In an effort to solve this dilemma, I tried to use protein bars as a supplemental calorie source. The taste was so enjoyable, I soon referred to them as poo bars.

That was then. Now the selection and palatability of the bars available today is much improved. Nutrition bars come in several styles, including high protein, energy, fiber, and meal replacement. The taste of these can be as good as or better than candy bars available at the grocery. Nutritionally, they can do anything from being a light snack to a full and filling meal.

Quick and easy, compared to a fast food sandwich or burger they come out way ahead. Anyone interested in body shaping, or just eating a healthier meal on the road, should explore the selection available at your local retailer. You may have to try a few to find what you like, but your tastes will be covered. Ask the people working there for their opinions, chances are they have eaten them for a quick lunch and know which are good and which still taste like chocolate covered sawdust.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On the Road Again

Now that the weather has changed and school is letting out, many of us will be off for a family vacation. This brings back fond memories of hours in the back seat of a car with motion sickness - the queasy stomach, dizzy head, and increasing temperature. Yep, those were the days.

In the past, I have tried the over thecounter medicine sold to help with the symptoms of motion sickness. I found it to be largely unhelpful. Everybody is different and has different reactions to things, so if it works for you, I am glad.

Now, I use ginger root to help settle my stomach. Safe and quick, ginger root has been found to be helpful in several studies, and was even tested on MythBusters. Ginger root comes in pill, power, chewable gumlets, and cookies!

I also would suggest keeping peppermint around for your trip. A recent study has shown it to be effective for gastrointestinal pain and discomfort.  This may also prove useful for that long car ride.

Are we there yet?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More Than Just Healthy Bones

When I was a kid - now I'm just an old goat - we were taught in school that vitamin D was needed for strong teeth and healthy bones. Before milk was fortified with vitamin D, rickets was a common malady. Milk was an obvious choice for adding vitamin D, as it was already established as a good source of calcium and was a part of the diet of children already. More on milk and calcium later.

Turns out that several recent studies have linked vitamin D with cancer preventionLet me say that again. Vitamin D has been linked to cancer prevention in multiple studies. Vitamin D has also been shown to be an effective weapon against Seasonal Affective Disorder. Turns out the “winter blues” that affect so many people are a very real mental disorder linked to low levels of vitamin D.

The best way to get your vitamin D is by getting a generous amount of direct sunlight. We all feel better standing in the sun. Part of that emotional lift comes from your own body's production of Vitamin D. That said, those of us in the northern part of the world or who have indoor jobs will find it difficult to go out and catch some rays. This is where supplemental Vitamin D can be a great choice.

When choosing a Vitamin D supplement, I look for the label D3 or Cholecalciferol. This form of Vitamin D is most like what the body produces and is more readily absorbed. I suggest 2000 to 5000 IU a day. If you spend 10 minutes in direct sunlight your body can produce up to the equivalent of 10,000 IU.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Study Results Are Not Always Conclusive

One of the most frequent arguments used by supplement nay-sayers is that there is little or conflicting evidence about a given supplement's effectiveness to support a specific health concern. Most recently calcium has been linked to heart disease. I read and here other examples daily.

If conflicting study results make supplement usage a bad idea, I submit that the same may be appropriate for mainstream health care.

ADHD: Genetic Mutation May Be Key

Study: Fussy Babies Linked to ADHD Risk

Study: ADHD Linked to Preterm Birth

I am not saying mainstream health-care is invalid, but please apply the tests for validity to all.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fundamental Fitness Supplements – L-Arginine

The final supplement I consider to be foundational to any body shaping goal is another amino acid. L-arginine is the only supplement on the list I suggest you use before exercising. Part on the body's nitric oxide cycle, L-arginine is considered a good vasodilator. Nitric Oxide allows the blood vessels to relax and let more blood flow through them.

Why is that so important?

Allowing more blood flow means several positive things during a workout. Your muscles are being used, creating a need for more energy, and blood delivers that energy. Better blood flow also means the waste your muscles are producing will be rapidly removed. Combined, it means a longer harder workout. Relaxed blood vessels means more space for the blood, therefore lower blood pressure. The idea of a workout is to stress specific muscle groups, not the heart.

If you would like to include L-arginine into your supplement plan, I suggest you try to take 3 grams about 30 minutes before you start to exercise. I like the form known as arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, AAKG. In this form, L-arginine is attached to a glutamine precursor which may spare more muscle.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Old School Super Food

A plant based complete protein, good source of many minerals including iron, B vitamins including B12, EFA's including DHA, spirulina has been a part of peoples diets since the 9th century. It was part of the diet of the Aztecs, and is still in the diets of the people surrounding lake Chad in Africa.  Spirulina is a fresh water blue green algae that is now cultivated and available in a pill or powder form.

Spirulina is about 60% to 70% protein, making is a valuable supplement for vegans and vegetarians. Unlike most plant proteins, it is a naturally complete protein, supplying all of the essential amino acids. Supplementing a diet with spirulina will ensure you are getting all the amino necessary for the body. Spirulina is also rich in essential fatty acids and is a source of DHA. It also provides a natural source of  B vitamins and minerals. These can be lacking in a low or no animal product diet.

Over the years modern agricultural techniques have been applied to the farming of spirulina. Now raised in large “race track” shaped ponds, the supply of safe, quality spirulina has started to increase its availability. Its production uses less energy than corn and less water than soy, making it a true “green” super food.

Spirulina is a dietary multi-tasker that has been in human use for a long time. Investigated by NASA it looks to be part of our diet well into the future.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gesundheit! Welcome to Allergy Season

With the end of winter, finally, and the start of spring comes the joy of allergies to many of us. Hay fever and similar allergies affect up to 20% of us. It is the bodies over-reaction to the pollen, dust, and molds in the air. Symptoms include itchy, watery eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing. The escape from allergy symptoms has become a billion dollar industry.

In the past, I used to look at the warm weather with dread. Many of my favorite past-times are outdoor activities, and the enjoyment of them was always tempered with the irritation of allergies. I have over the last four years found an effective, safe, side-effect free escape.

First, I use a nasal wash daily. Kinda makes sense. We wash our hands to keep the germs away, so why not our sinuses? There are a number of ways to accomplish this wash, from neti pots to nasal mists. I use Xlear nasal spray once or twice a day, depending on the pollen count.

That has kept my symptoms under control for the most part. I have on occasion found myself at the beginning of an allergy attack in the middle of the day. For convenience I also carry a mint and menthol inhaler which I breathe through to open my sinuses right away. 

These two inexpensive remedies have allowed me to enjoy warm weather alert and allergy free.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This Has Got to Be Stopped

Please explain how invasive surgery is the go-to answer for weight management. The death rate for this type of surgery is about 0.5%, or 1 out of 200. 

That may sound good but I can look out my window and see that many people go by every minute or two. This is the number that are dieing to loose weight.

It must be said that for some incredibly small segment of the population, surgery is the correct and life saving option. However, I think that the source of most people's lack of success with weight control is given in this quote from the article:

"The first realization was that diets didn't work and actually made things worse, as after finishing the diet I put the weight I'd lost back on,"

You cannot go back to eating poorly and expect to stay healthy; after all that is how the weight problem started.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

Gonna get off my soapbox now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Help for the Endurance Athlete

The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. The weather has finally broken, and you want to start exercising outside. I am approached daily by people who want to know what supplements I use to help me with my activities.

Over time I have developed a recipe for a hydration drink that has significantly improved my recovery and increased the speed I have added to my activities. I am a cyclist who now also runs, so hydration is critical.

I use a combination of carbs and aminos before, during, and after my activities. Here is a breakdown of what and when:

Before (usually 30 minutes)
20 ounces of water with:
3 grams of AAKG  for vassal dialation
20 to 40 grams of carbohydrates (like using Cytomax  but any sports drink will do)
5 grams of L-glutamine to help buffer the upcoming lactic acid buildup 

During (drinking every 15 to 20 minutes)
Water with:
5 grams of BCAAs to help protect muscle tissue
5 grams of L-glutamine (still buffering the lactic acid)
Sports drink to supply carbs and electrolytes

After (ideally within 15 minutes of your activity)
A protein drink with some isolate protein 
5 grams of creatine monohydrate

Later that day, I try to consume at least another 10 grams of L-glutamine for muscle tissue repair.

Have fun with your activity, but remember to stay hydrated and be safe!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fundamental Fitness Suppments - L-glutamine

You start a new exercise program to get in better health and the day after your first workout you feel like you were smashed by a Humvee. Your muscles are letting you know that they do not like this new work that you are putting them through. This is a big stumbling block for most of us when we start out. The last day I had this kind of muscle ache was the day I started using L-glutamine.

L-glutamine is an abundant amino acid that the body uses for many benefits. It is not essential, meaning the body can produce its normal needs from other things, but situations such as athletic training can make it so. By taking L-glutamine before, during, and after your exercise, you can help your body prevent muscle damage and stimulate the synthesis of new muscle. 

What does that mean?

It means that I am able to run a half marathon on one day and still be able to keep up the pace of my regular life the next. Those who are training harder have the advantage of not having their next workout impacted by what they did the day before.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels with Banaba

No, I did not misspell that. Banaba is a tree that grows from South East Asia to the Philippines. An extract of the leaf, corosolic acid, has been shown effective in supporting Blood Glucose levels

I first came across this in a sports nutrition product called Anabolic Pump. I tried this in 2008 as a way to load carbs for a biking event, and found it to be remarkable. Continued use a gave me great results similar to those claimed by the company.

Based on my success, I started to recommend the herb to people looking for help with their blood sugar level. The feedback from them has match my own experience - lack of carb craving, stable blood sugar, and even some benefits at the waist line.

Diabetes affects 8.3% of the populationof the United States - 25.8 million people - with an estimated 79million more prediabetic. Eating right, controlling carbs and exercising are our first lines of defense from this disease. Banaba can be a great weapon in the battle.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not All Omega 3 Supplements Are the Same

Someone approached me the other day for help in selecting an Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) supplement. They were overwhelmed by the selection available and had no idea which to choose. When looking at EFA's, I prefer fish oil supplements. They are the most efficient source of the Omega 3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid. (EPA and DHA for those of use who cannot read a bowl of alphabet soup.)

Turn the bottle around. Manufacturers can put almost anything in the name of their products. They have legions of people who critique the packaging and use focus groups for to ensure their bottle jumps off the shelf. They can not change what is in the bottle and have to provide a clear picture of it in the “Supplements Facts” on the back. The EFA should clearly tell you how much EPA and DHA you will receive per dose and how many doses are in the bottle. When I compare products, I try to determine how much is in each individual pill.

I try to take approximately 2000 mg of EPA and DHA combined per day. That is what seams to work best for me. This can come in as little as one teaspoon per day of a liquid or 2 to 3 pills of a quality supplement. In the liquid fish oils I prefer Ascenta Health'sNutraSea HP.  It has a daily dose in one teaspoon and has little taste of any kind. I admit peer pressure made me try it, as I cannot stand the fishy taste of the liquid fish oils on the market. I was stunned at the taste profile. No fish taste At All!

That said, liquids have a convenience draw back and may not be the best choice for all. Select the EFA that best suits your needs. Choose a quality product from a manufacturer the you trust and you will not be disappointed.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fundamental Supplements For Fitness 2

After protein, I believe most people interested in any body shaping should look to creatine supplementation to help them achieve their goals. Using creatine as a supplement has been around since the early 1900's. It came into the public eye largely due to its use by Olympic athletes in the 1992 Barcelona games.

It does not matter what your final goal is, creatine has been shown in studies to be effective for increasing muscle mass. If your goal is to “bulk” up, the use is a no-brainer.

Those who are trying to lose body fat and are not interested in becoming bigger, never fear, creatine is still your friend. By building more muscle your body will need more calories to operate daily. Raising your daily caloric needs and controlling your intake is the best way I know to shed body fat.

When selecting a creatine supplement there two things to consider. Creatine Monohydrate is the form with the most evidence of effectiveness. Most creatine is manufactured in three factories around the world.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Life Is Good and So Are Bluberries

The first time I saw pterostilbene was in a Gaspari Nutrition product Sizeon Maximum Perfomance. At an industry event last year, I had the opportunity to ask Rich Gaspari about the ingredient. He smiled and said it is going to replace Resveratrol for healthy aging in the next year.

Further research into pterostilbene is very exciting. Benefits being studied include glucose management, cholesterol management, and its affects on cognitive decline. Very exciting indeed, especially when you realize it comes from blueberries! This is just one more reason to consider adding them to your diet.

Blueberries themselves have established health benefitsAll this makes me believe that big new trend in health and wellness will be a renewed focus on blueberries.

It is great when being healthy tastes so good!