Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Passing the Test

Fitness enthusiasts often come to me looking for a quick way to bulk up muscle by increasing their testosterone levels. By increasing their bodies testosterone levels, they hope to be able to more easily gain muscle mass and strength. They spend hours in the gym, it would be kinda nice if they had something to show for the effort.

Before you decide to use a testosterone or test booster, it is critically important to have your fundamental fitness supplement plan in practice. Why spend the money on a new supplement if you are not covering the basics first? Why try to build a house on quicksand?

You also will need to make your selection with an eye to your own natural testosterone levels. Anyone in their early twenties need not apply. Your natural test levels are high enough that you will need to take a very strong test booster or pro-hormone to achieve any results. Most of the supplements on the market will not support your goal of building muscle, but only give you a short term, in the gym, effect. It would be stomping on the gas in a car with a governor on the engine. After 55 mph, it doesn't matter how much gas you are giving it.

That said, if you are looking for a supplement plan to raise your testosterone levels, I suggest the following:

Tribulus Testerris: a natural testosterone booster
ZMA: supports the production of testosterone in the body
D-Aspartic Acid: an amino acid that has been show to increase testosterone levels
Saw Palmetto or Beta Sitosterol to block DHT

These give you a great place to start in your testosterone boosting efforts. Remember that to gain muscle you will also need to take in more calories. You cannot build a house without lumber.

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