Wednesday, April 27, 2011

On the Road Again

Now that the weather has changed and school is letting out, many of us will be off for a family vacation. This brings back fond memories of hours in the back seat of a car with motion sickness - the queasy stomach, dizzy head, and increasing temperature. Yep, those were the days.

In the past, I have tried the over thecounter medicine sold to help with the symptoms of motion sickness. I found it to be largely unhelpful. Everybody is different and has different reactions to things, so if it works for you, I am glad.

Now, I use ginger root to help settle my stomach. Safe and quick, ginger root has been found to be helpful in several studies, and was even tested on MythBusters. Ginger root comes in pill, power, chewable gumlets, and cookies!

I also would suggest keeping peppermint around for your trip. A recent study has shown it to be effective for gastrointestinal pain and discomfort.  This may also prove useful for that long car ride.

Are we there yet?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More Than Just Healthy Bones

When I was a kid - now I'm just an old goat - we were taught in school that vitamin D was needed for strong teeth and healthy bones. Before milk was fortified with vitamin D, rickets was a common malady. Milk was an obvious choice for adding vitamin D, as it was already established as a good source of calcium and was a part of the diet of children already. More on milk and calcium later.

Turns out that several recent studies have linked vitamin D with cancer preventionLet me say that again. Vitamin D has been linked to cancer prevention in multiple studies. Vitamin D has also been shown to be an effective weapon against Seasonal Affective Disorder. Turns out the “winter blues” that affect so many people are a very real mental disorder linked to low levels of vitamin D.

The best way to get your vitamin D is by getting a generous amount of direct sunlight. We all feel better standing in the sun. Part of that emotional lift comes from your own body's production of Vitamin D. That said, those of us in the northern part of the world or who have indoor jobs will find it difficult to go out and catch some rays. This is where supplemental Vitamin D can be a great choice.

When choosing a Vitamin D supplement, I look for the label D3 or Cholecalciferol. This form of Vitamin D is most like what the body produces and is more readily absorbed. I suggest 2000 to 5000 IU a day. If you spend 10 minutes in direct sunlight your body can produce up to the equivalent of 10,000 IU.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Study Results Are Not Always Conclusive

One of the most frequent arguments used by supplement nay-sayers is that there is little or conflicting evidence about a given supplement's effectiveness to support a specific health concern. Most recently calcium has been linked to heart disease. I read and here other examples daily.

If conflicting study results make supplement usage a bad idea, I submit that the same may be appropriate for mainstream health care.

ADHD: Genetic Mutation May Be Key

Study: Fussy Babies Linked to ADHD Risk

Study: ADHD Linked to Preterm Birth

I am not saying mainstream health-care is invalid, but please apply the tests for validity to all.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fundamental Fitness Supplements – L-Arginine

The final supplement I consider to be foundational to any body shaping goal is another amino acid. L-arginine is the only supplement on the list I suggest you use before exercising. Part on the body's nitric oxide cycle, L-arginine is considered a good vasodilator. Nitric Oxide allows the blood vessels to relax and let more blood flow through them.

Why is that so important?

Allowing more blood flow means several positive things during a workout. Your muscles are being used, creating a need for more energy, and blood delivers that energy. Better blood flow also means the waste your muscles are producing will be rapidly removed. Combined, it means a longer harder workout. Relaxed blood vessels means more space for the blood, therefore lower blood pressure. The idea of a workout is to stress specific muscle groups, not the heart.

If you would like to include L-arginine into your supplement plan, I suggest you try to take 3 grams about 30 minutes before you start to exercise. I like the form known as arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, AAKG. In this form, L-arginine is attached to a glutamine precursor which may spare more muscle.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Old School Super Food

A plant based complete protein, good source of many minerals including iron, B vitamins including B12, EFA's including DHA, spirulina has been a part of peoples diets since the 9th century. It was part of the diet of the Aztecs, and is still in the diets of the people surrounding lake Chad in Africa.  Spirulina is a fresh water blue green algae that is now cultivated and available in a pill or powder form.

Spirulina is about 60% to 70% protein, making is a valuable supplement for vegans and vegetarians. Unlike most plant proteins, it is a naturally complete protein, supplying all of the essential amino acids. Supplementing a diet with spirulina will ensure you are getting all the amino necessary for the body. Spirulina is also rich in essential fatty acids and is a source of DHA. It also provides a natural source of  B vitamins and minerals. These can be lacking in a low or no animal product diet.

Over the years modern agricultural techniques have been applied to the farming of spirulina. Now raised in large “race track” shaped ponds, the supply of safe, quality spirulina has started to increase its availability. Its production uses less energy than corn and less water than soy, making it a true “green” super food.

Spirulina is a dietary multi-tasker that has been in human use for a long time. Investigated by NASA it looks to be part of our diet well into the future.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gesundheit! Welcome to Allergy Season

With the end of winter, finally, and the start of spring comes the joy of allergies to many of us. Hay fever and similar allergies affect up to 20% of us. It is the bodies over-reaction to the pollen, dust, and molds in the air. Symptoms include itchy, watery eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing. The escape from allergy symptoms has become a billion dollar industry.

In the past, I used to look at the warm weather with dread. Many of my favorite past-times are outdoor activities, and the enjoyment of them was always tempered with the irritation of allergies. I have over the last four years found an effective, safe, side-effect free escape.

First, I use a nasal wash daily. Kinda makes sense. We wash our hands to keep the germs away, so why not our sinuses? There are a number of ways to accomplish this wash, from neti pots to nasal mists. I use Xlear nasal spray once or twice a day, depending on the pollen count.

That has kept my symptoms under control for the most part. I have on occasion found myself at the beginning of an allergy attack in the middle of the day. For convenience I also carry a mint and menthol inhaler which I breathe through to open my sinuses right away. 

These two inexpensive remedies have allowed me to enjoy warm weather alert and allergy free.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This Has Got to Be Stopped

Please explain how invasive surgery is the go-to answer for weight management. The death rate for this type of surgery is about 0.5%, or 1 out of 200. 

That may sound good but I can look out my window and see that many people go by every minute or two. This is the number that are dieing to loose weight.

It must be said that for some incredibly small segment of the population, surgery is the correct and life saving option. However, I think that the source of most people's lack of success with weight control is given in this quote from the article:

"The first realization was that diets didn't work and actually made things worse, as after finishing the diet I put the weight I'd lost back on,"

You cannot go back to eating poorly and expect to stay healthy; after all that is how the weight problem started.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

Gonna get off my soapbox now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Help for the Endurance Athlete

The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. The weather has finally broken, and you want to start exercising outside. I am approached daily by people who want to know what supplements I use to help me with my activities.

Over time I have developed a recipe for a hydration drink that has significantly improved my recovery and increased the speed I have added to my activities. I am a cyclist who now also runs, so hydration is critical.

I use a combination of carbs and aminos before, during, and after my activities. Here is a breakdown of what and when:

Before (usually 30 minutes)
20 ounces of water with:
3 grams of AAKG  for vassal dialation
20 to 40 grams of carbohydrates (like using Cytomax  but any sports drink will do)
5 grams of L-glutamine to help buffer the upcoming lactic acid buildup 

During (drinking every 15 to 20 minutes)
Water with:
5 grams of BCAAs to help protect muscle tissue
5 grams of L-glutamine (still buffering the lactic acid)
Sports drink to supply carbs and electrolytes

After (ideally within 15 minutes of your activity)
A protein drink with some isolate protein 
5 grams of creatine monohydrate

Later that day, I try to consume at least another 10 grams of L-glutamine for muscle tissue repair.

Have fun with your activity, but remember to stay hydrated and be safe!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fundamental Fitness Suppments - L-glutamine

You start a new exercise program to get in better health and the day after your first workout you feel like you were smashed by a Humvee. Your muscles are letting you know that they do not like this new work that you are putting them through. This is a big stumbling block for most of us when we start out. The last day I had this kind of muscle ache was the day I started using L-glutamine.

L-glutamine is an abundant amino acid that the body uses for many benefits. It is not essential, meaning the body can produce its normal needs from other things, but situations such as athletic training can make it so. By taking L-glutamine before, during, and after your exercise, you can help your body prevent muscle damage and stimulate the synthesis of new muscle. 

What does that mean?

It means that I am able to run a half marathon on one day and still be able to keep up the pace of my regular life the next. Those who are training harder have the advantage of not having their next workout impacted by what they did the day before.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels with Banaba

No, I did not misspell that. Banaba is a tree that grows from South East Asia to the Philippines. An extract of the leaf, corosolic acid, has been shown effective in supporting Blood Glucose levels

I first came across this in a sports nutrition product called Anabolic Pump. I tried this in 2008 as a way to load carbs for a biking event, and found it to be remarkable. Continued use a gave me great results similar to those claimed by the company.

Based on my success, I started to recommend the herb to people looking for help with their blood sugar level. The feedback from them has match my own experience - lack of carb craving, stable blood sugar, and even some benefits at the waist line.

Diabetes affects 8.3% of the populationof the United States - 25.8 million people - with an estimated 79million more prediabetic. Eating right, controlling carbs and exercising are our first lines of defense from this disease. Banaba can be a great weapon in the battle.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Not All Omega 3 Supplements Are the Same

Someone approached me the other day for help in selecting an Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) supplement. They were overwhelmed by the selection available and had no idea which to choose. When looking at EFA's, I prefer fish oil supplements. They are the most efficient source of the Omega 3 fatty acids Eicosapentaenoic acid and Docosahexaenoic acid. (EPA and DHA for those of use who cannot read a bowl of alphabet soup.)

Turn the bottle around. Manufacturers can put almost anything in the name of their products. They have legions of people who critique the packaging and use focus groups for to ensure their bottle jumps off the shelf. They can not change what is in the bottle and have to provide a clear picture of it in the “Supplements Facts” on the back. The EFA should clearly tell you how much EPA and DHA you will receive per dose and how many doses are in the bottle. When I compare products, I try to determine how much is in each individual pill.

I try to take approximately 2000 mg of EPA and DHA combined per day. That is what seams to work best for me. This can come in as little as one teaspoon per day of a liquid or 2 to 3 pills of a quality supplement. In the liquid fish oils I prefer Ascenta Health'sNutraSea HP.  It has a daily dose in one teaspoon and has little taste of any kind. I admit peer pressure made me try it, as I cannot stand the fishy taste of the liquid fish oils on the market. I was stunned at the taste profile. No fish taste At All!

That said, liquids have a convenience draw back and may not be the best choice for all. Select the EFA that best suits your needs. Choose a quality product from a manufacturer the you trust and you will not be disappointed.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fundamental Supplements For Fitness 2

After protein, I believe most people interested in any body shaping should look to creatine supplementation to help them achieve their goals. Using creatine as a supplement has been around since the early 1900's. It came into the public eye largely due to its use by Olympic athletes in the 1992 Barcelona games.

It does not matter what your final goal is, creatine has been shown in studies to be effective for increasing muscle mass. If your goal is to “bulk” up, the use is a no-brainer.

Those who are trying to lose body fat and are not interested in becoming bigger, never fear, creatine is still your friend. By building more muscle your body will need more calories to operate daily. Raising your daily caloric needs and controlling your intake is the best way I know to shed body fat.

When selecting a creatine supplement there two things to consider. Creatine Monohydrate is the form with the most evidence of effectiveness. Most creatine is manufactured in three factories around the world.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Life Is Good and So Are Bluberries

The first time I saw pterostilbene was in a Gaspari Nutrition product Sizeon Maximum Perfomance. At an industry event last year, I had the opportunity to ask Rich Gaspari about the ingredient. He smiled and said it is going to replace Resveratrol for healthy aging in the next year.

Further research into pterostilbene is very exciting. Benefits being studied include glucose management, cholesterol management, and its affects on cognitive decline. Very exciting indeed, especially when you realize it comes from blueberries! This is just one more reason to consider adding them to your diet.

Blueberries themselves have established health benefitsAll this makes me believe that big new trend in health and wellness will be a renewed focus on blueberries.

It is great when being healthy tastes so good!