Errands to run. Appointments to make and keep. A job you hate. Let alone the simple math that a typical person is awake for 16 hours a day and working that job for 8 hours, plus commute and prep. Stress is a very real problem for most of us. I am often asked if there is anything that can help you deal with stress but not “dope” you up?
I believe that exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Studies have consistently shown that exercise has a positive impact on mood and mental health. It does not matter if it is light walking, lifting weights, or yoga giving yourself the “me” time and letting yourself enjoy it is extremely important to your health.
I also use Holy Basil . It was recommended to me by a friend who used it to get through a divorce. It has not effected my personality, but has allowed me to deal with stressful events without becoming emotionally invested in it.
Holy Basil is available in many forms from capsule to tea. As a tea it has a distinctive flavor that I enjoy, but it is an unusual taste. For convenience I use a pill form daily.
Taking control of your stress will positively impact your entire life and let you get the most out of the 6 non-work related hours in your day.
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